
Author Topic: Stop! witch hunter time..  (Read 39087 times)

Offline Neffy

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Stop! witch hunter time..
« on: March 24, 2009, 08:36:04 PM »
Seeing as how a lot of people have unique themes for their armies, and painted in characterful colour themes, i though my own averland army was kinda lacking something. Im the kinda guy who buys a lot of stuff to make an army, and when it is done and a few months have passed, i sell it again.. That, of course, is an excellent way of learning the ways of the business man, but sadly it is not a very good way to learn to know an army. I've never though of a cool theme for an army, since "most" of the themes were already taken :engel:... but this time i though of something cool. I almost began building an VC army again, because the idea of sylvania is cool and such, but i caught myself in dreaming too much, and pushed those treacherous thoughts into a dark corner of my conscience. Great succes!  :::cheers:::

Thus i came up with the idea of making a witch hunter empire army, which i will base on the lovely movie Van Helsing and the cool 40K witch hunter models. Furthermore the whole idea of a crazed town driven partially mad by a reigning vampire is kinda attracting and since i already like the thought of the "holy men" (arch lectors/warrior priests) searching for vamps to impale with wooden crucifixes (spelling? :S), why not give it a try?

The colours of the army will be very sinister and dark looking, with brown, grey and black colours, but white for scrolls, etc. The army sohuld contain a lot of torches (you know.. ever seen beauty and the beast when the townspeople and gaston chases the beast in his castle? :D) and therefor i will try to make light effects from the fire unto their phases, so that the army as a whole appear dark but lit up by flames here and there.

I was kinda thinking about colours like this:

This project will sadly mean that i have to repaint alot of models, but since averland is black/yellow, i might not have to repaint that much, since black will be a big part of the army nonetheless.

I will most likely be using the witch hunter inquisitor lord as a captain-kinda-hero, mostly because the model fits the theme more than anything on this tiny planet:

The army list of the army to be made is found here: http://www.warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=27818.0

Please let me know what you think of this project.


« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 03:55:57 PM by Neffy »
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Offline steveb

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 09:05:46 PM »
go for it! check out the rhensburg thread for some neat ideas to spiff up your units. steveb

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2009, 09:20:10 PM »
Thanks, i'll have a look at it.

Also, does anyone know how to make 'tiles' on bases, so they look like town roads? if you know what i mean..
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Offline Priest_of_Morr

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2009, 10:15:50 PM »
This idea is fanatastic, I have seen a witch hunter army done before with the empire. It was done with the sixth edition rules during the storm of chaos campaign, it used lots of free company models and the metal witch hunters from mordheim (possibly consider these) also a few of the sisters of sigmar models as warrior priest which was a really nice change to see female models in an empire army.

But seriously dude go for it, please post pics as you make them!!  :happy:

Offline Your Mother

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2009, 11:20:24 PM »
Sounds like a good theme. As for the tiled bases i've used cut up peices of credit cards and gift cards.
I like cheese.            My Army Blog: http://www.warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=21327.0

Offline Gustavus Magnus

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2009, 05:13:50 AM »
I have used thin sheet styrene before and it worked well.  I think I used .04 but you can use thicker or thinner sheets depending on scale and how deep you want the recesses between stones/bricks.
Gustavus Magnus, of Bögenhafen; Mercenary Captain, Explorer, Spy, Scout, and Outrider.

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2009, 05:58:13 AM »
Sounds like a good theme. As for the tiled bases i've used cut up peices of credit cards and gift cards.

wow not sure if i ripped every wallet in the house of credit cards would be a great idea  :happy:
,but nice idea. how about the plastik that comes in blister packs? the transparent ones..

mordheim models! great idea! sadly i dont have any of those :(
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Online warhammerlord_soth

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Offline typo

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2009, 08:55:00 AM »
might be too thin, what about cereal packet cardboard?

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2009, 10:17:08 AM »
might be too thin, what about cereal packet cardboard?

my mother is a dentist so i dont get cereal..

nah, just kidding, your right. that form of card board might be good for such bricks :) thanks..

I've thought of using the gw citadel plastic trees as a unit filler, since it would fit the sylvanian sinister look, dont you think?

Any other thoughts on how to stick with the theme? I was thinking of maybe using the sister of battle canoness as a champion for one of the swordmen units or the greatsword unit, u think this is possible?
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Offline Neffy

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Offline von Bildhofen

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2009, 10:52:56 AM »
I have made a withchunter model myselves.

I thought first of using the witchhunter lord model, but i couldnt find it without a retinue i didnt needed. Then i found this special char from 40k and i have converted it with great succes (imo).

His name is Gideon Lorr: i dont have a picture of my model, but the original model can be seen with a little help from google... http://images.google.dk/images?q=gideon%20lorr&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:da:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=da&tab=wi

His hat isnt as silly (as the model you have presented), and with help from the general kit set he turned out quite nice for me.

Good luck with your project.

PS: im not really that in to the withchunter theme, but it was a fun project to do. I field him either as a killy captain or warrior priest.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 12:37:32 PM by von Bildhofen »

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2009, 10:59:31 AM »
thought first of using the witchhunter lord model, but i couldnt find it without a retinue i didnt needed.
That is the precise same problem i have!
Wow that is a nice model. He fits perfectly, except the plasma-kind-of gun! and one can buy him seperately?
I would need some kind of sword for his right hand.

I found some pieces that i will use for the movement trays for the army. These will fit the shadowy feel with trees and fences/walls, etc :D

I want the base to look like this:

Furthermore i've though of sculpting mallets and stakes hanging from banners and shields
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 11:16:22 AM by Neffy »
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Offline von Bildhofen

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2009, 12:45:58 PM »
Hehe nice you are also danish  :happy:

I bought my model at dragonslair.dk - Figurspil > Warhammer 40k > Witch Hunters - 3rd model from the top
Direct link: http://www.dragonslair.dk/dlCart/dldescription.php?II=692&UID=2009032513355083.94.210.161&billedemenuid=2

I will take a picture of my model and show how i've done it :D

Now were is that camera ....

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2009, 12:57:26 PM »
how'd you know? :D

Woot 100 DKR..

Im looking forward to seeing your model :)
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Offline typo

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2009, 01:43:32 PM »
If you want cast bases - have you seen these guys? www.foundationsofwar.co.uk
(ebay shop here - http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/Foundations-of-War__W0QQ_armrsZ1 )

Might be easier than getting them shipped from the states (UK instead...)

Offline von Bildhofen

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2009, 02:06:23 PM »
I never gave him a paint!

The swordhand fitted perfectly, were he had his pointing hand in the hole. The pointing hand is not attached to the original model. I carefully sawed his plasmagun hand off and added his new pistol. Sword and pistol is from General set.

Hardest part was fill of his backpack and the wires that followed it from backpack out at the lengtht of his pointing hand. Off with it and greenstuff if the gap looks wierd.

Another picture with his battlescared shield i wanna put on his back.

/Von Bildhofen

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2009, 03:34:53 PM »
Very nice. just how i want mine!

you wouldn't care to sell me that one?  :laugh:

i've bought dark red, grey and dwarf flesh today, so i can get on with painting dark colours :)
I think i will stay low on high lights, only adding the brightest nuance of a colour to the edges of the elements i am playing.
Actually the zombie horde attack the empire guy gave me an idea; to make the same scenario, but with a vampire in the middle instead :D
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Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2009, 03:37:08 PM »
The greatest form of control which can go on forever until it is exposed is a tyranny you can't see, touch and taste (unlike totalitarian Govts). When you sit in a prison cell but can't see the bars, because people don't rebel against not being free when they think they're are.

Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2009, 04:15:10 PM »
Exactly bies ;)

I've though of the practical parts and infos of the army and gathered everything that should be the goals of this project:

Should be obvious by now :closed-eyes:

Clothing           = black, dark grey, dark red, dark brown, maybe some white here and there
Hats and shoes = the same (not red)
Trousers          = the same, maybe not so much red, since the army should stay dark and not red'ish..
Metal              = boltgun + badab black followed by chainmail on edges
Leather           = dark brown
Skin                = Dwarf flesh followed by elf flesh - i might give some greyish undertone for the darker look
Fire                = red -> orange -> yellow
Armour plates   = black (to keep the sinister theme)
Wood             = most likely black or daaaark brown

Key details:
This is some elements that i want to be visible throughout the whole army and identify it as a witch hunter warband
Torches (Buuuuurn them!)
Scrolls and parchments (as wardings, prayers, etc against evil)
Bricks on bases (street theme) with some small amounts of dirt - maybe even some patches of snow?
Black armour plates (as mentioned)
GW fence and walls for movement trays (syvanian land)

Models to be included (and have witch hunter looks):
Gideon Lorr (Thanks von Bildhofen!!) :D (as captain)
Witch Hunter inquisitor lord
Sister of battle canoness (yes/no?) (as champion in swordsmen)
Mordheim witch hunters (champions)
Flagellants (to mix with free company and to get some torches)
Swordmen (as.. swordmen? any ideas for add-ons? i'll give some of them torches) one unit should have 1 frenzied vampire in the middle..  I need a good pose vampire model for this (he will be cutting off a head of a soldier)
Knights as... ?? How do they fit in?
Pistoliers? Rampaging youths with guns
Cannons? Maybe bases for all warmachines with skeletons raising?

That should be about everything. please let me know if anything is missing / if you like (or dont like) my ideas :)

« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 04:28:52 PM by Neffy »
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Online warhammerlord_soth

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Offline Buddha90

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2009, 06:52:35 PM »

They do also have these bases at danish sites: http://www.spilrabatten.dk/dlitems.php?menuid=5&undermenuid=420&Catl=&UID=2009032519452687.56.196.158... None of the bases shown would be very good with your witch hunter theme though, but maybe you can contact the site and see if they wanna order some for you (I assume you'll need quite a few?)

Three danes in one thread - that's pretty awesome! :P
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Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2009, 08:11:19 PM »

They do also have these bases at danish sites: http://www.spilrabatten.dk/dlitems.php?menuid=5&undermenuid=420&Catl=&UID=2009032519452687.56.196.158... None of the bases shown would be very good with your witch hunter theme though, but maybe you can contact the site and see if they wanna order some for you (I assume you'll need quite a few?)

Three danes in one thread - that's pretty awesome! :P

Thank you both of you :) i think i will stick with home made cobblestone for now.. just need some cereal..

and yeah! thats almost 1/3 of our population right there  :icon_surprised:
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Offline Neffy

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2009, 09:14:52 PM »
First pictures up. 3 militia/crazed villagers:

Let me know what you think.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 09:29:48 PM by Neffy »
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Offline MrDWhitey

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Re: Stop! witch hunter time..
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2009, 09:18:43 PM »
Bandwidth Exceeded.

This requires..fixing...

Edit: Bah, your edit during my upload of my picture!
I thought he should act responsibly and just kill himself.