Exactly bies

I've though of the practical parts and infos of the army and gathered everything that should be the goals of this project:
Theme:Should be obvious by now
Colour-theme:Clothing = black, dark grey, dark red, dark brown, maybe some white here and there
Hats and shoes = the same (not red)
Trousers = the same, maybe not
so much red, since the army should stay dark and not red'ish..
Metal = boltgun + badab black followed by chainmail on edges
Leather = dark brown
Skin = Dwarf flesh followed by elf flesh - i might give some greyish undertone for the darker look
Fire = red -> orange -> yellow
Armour plates = black (to keep the sinister theme)
Wood = most likely black or daaaark brown
Key details:This is some elements that i want to be visible throughout the whole army and identify it as a witch hunter warbandTorches (Buuuuurn them!)
Scrolls and parchments (as wardings, prayers, etc against evil)
Bricks on bases (street theme) with some small amounts of dirt - maybe even some patches of snow?
Black armour plates (as mentioned)
GW fence and walls for movement trays (syvanian land)
Models to be included (and have witch hunter looks):Gideon Lorr (Thanks von Bildhofen!!)

(as captain)
Witch Hunter inquisitor lord
Sister of battle canoness (yes/no?) (as champion in swordsmen)
Mordheim witch hunters (champions)
Flagellants (to mix with free company and to get some torches)
Swordmen (as.. swordmen? any ideas for add-ons? i'll give some of them torches) one unit should have 1 frenzied vampire in the middle.. I need a good pose vampire model for this (he will be cutting off a head of a soldier)
Knights as... ?? How do they fit in?
Pistoliers? Rampaging youths with guns
Cannons? Maybe bases for all warmachines with skeletons raising?
That should be about everything. please let me know if anything is missing / if you like (or dont like) my ideas