Part 9 and the long awaited action arrives...
Part Nine
The Dwarfen artillery started up on the right flank. It was a horrific noise and Heinrich had to cover his ears, afraid they would bleed. The cannon balls and large pieces of masonry flew into the Dwarfen walls of Eisental. The screams of men could be heard in the distance, falling from their positions or being ripped apart by shrapnel. However, the walls stood fast, a testament to their makers.
The bombardment continued with a vigour, the Dwarfs and men loading their machines at great speeds, keeping up the hail of lead and stone. The walls still did not budge.
“This is futile” Mach mumbled to Heinrich, before moving to find the Dwarf commander.
He returned after a few minutes discussion with the Dwarf.
“He says that his people made these walls so strong that it’ll take days to chip away at them.”
“We don’t have days, we’re needed up north” Heinrich reminded him.
“Well that’s decided then, we’ll have to sort this the old way, tooth and nail. Ready the men, we’re going to bring the fight to them!”
Mach’s men rode to the different sections of the army, forewarning them of the coming charge. The artillery bombardment focussed its efforts on the gateway and then began to slow in anticipation. Then, the combined Dwarf and human army charged.
Naturally, the militia men were the first to arrive at the walls, peppered crossbow bolts and blasted with cannon fire. The Dwarfs followed behind, arriving in almost perfect unison, a testament to their centuries of training. During the charge, to the delight of the men, the gate had been struck by a single rune inscribed cannon ball, and was now a blazing inferno, accompanied by the screams of men inside.
The fire soon subsided and with a great roar, the soldiers poured into the town. Heinrich and the commanders who had stayed behind rode forth to accompany their men.
Inside the fighting was brutal. The streets Heinrich had admired only days ago were now a vicious melee. The shops he had seen were burning to the ground and the roads covered in bodies and blood.
“Sigmar forgive us” He muttered under his breath.
As the men pushed their way up through the town and towards the palace, they were met by the Knights of the Order of the Raven, dismounted and threatening at the top of the hill. The men of Ostermark were enraged by this sight and their vigour doubled, racing towards the hated Order.
The Knights just stood, waiting for the charge of the impetuous men. As they met, the Knights cut down the militia in swathes, their martial expertise easily besting the poorly trained militia men. Heinrich and Mach were caught in the middle of this whirlwind of destruction and were now fighting for their lives.
Heinrich could see Mach out of the corner of his eye, duelling expertly with Knight after Knight, protected by his suit of armour, and slaying the foul knights, confused by his presumed immortality. Father Tak crushed skulls with extreme righteous force, almost enjoying being able to kill someone without having to beg for forgiveness. Heinrich however fought with his own unique style, adapted over the last few days, ducking and diving everywhere, staying as much out of the fight as he could. However, this worked out for him sometimes, and he believed luck to be on his side, for he would find a chance opportunity to shoot or stab an unsuspecting knight, leaving him for dead and avoiding the blows of his comrade.
The Dwarfs eventually caught up with the dwindling human ranks, and made quick work of the knights, even the duelling talents of the knights could not best the sheer toughness and grit of the Dwarf warriors. Heinrich had noted Margrave Glastroika skulking into his palace whilst his men fought, and the arrival of the Dwarfs signalled that it was time for him and Mach to dispense justice and bring the slaughter to an end.
They chased the Margrave into his palace, breaking through the huge doors with Father Tak’s great hammer.
“Mikhail, I just want to talk! Come out here and face me like a man!” Mach taunted.
Having heard noises above, they climbed the grand central staircase, desperate to find the man at the root of all this misery.
At the top, they were met with a familiar face.
“Hello again my friends” Leo grinned.
He drew his sword and beckoned to Heinrich.
“Seems like you and I have some unfinished business Heinrich; at least you’re clothed now anyway.”
Heinrich looked over towards Mach and his men, and nodded for Mach to continue and find Glastroika and his bodyguards and finish this battle.
The two men then joined in combat, and Heinrich was truly terrified. Leo slashed away with his elegant duelling sword, whistling through the air and flying dangerously close to Heinrich’s head. Not able to think of anything else, Heinrich kept just ducking and diving, hoping once again luck would favour him.
After a few minutes, it was evident the older Leo was beginning to tire, his heavy armour weighing him down. However, he was still as aggressive as ever, and pushed Heinrich back towards a wall, cornering him.
One powerful blow knocked Heinrich’s sword clean out of his hand. Now he was truly terrified, he had nothing to protect himself with. Leo just laughed and pressed on, coming in for the killing blow. Heinrich was praying to all the gods, Sigmar, Morr, anyone who would listen for his safe keeping.
At the last moment, willing himself with all his faith, Heinrich ducked past him and Leo’s sword made contact with only the wood of the wall, much to Heinrich’s relief, lodging his sword deep inside a portrait of the Margrave’s mother.
Now Heinrich had the advantage, he was behind the tired, defenceless knight. Behind him was a display of weapons, crossed halberds behind a shield with the Margrave family crest upon it. He quickly tore one from the wall and used its butt to knock Leo to the floor. He raised it high above his head, ready to land the killing blow but hesitated. Could he do this to a unarmed man. The he remembered all that this man stood for, all that he had put not only Heinrich, but many others through, and with that and an almighty scream, he brought down the halberd into his opponent’s back, splitting it in two with a sickening crunch.
At that moment Mach reappeared, wiping blood from his sword and with a cheeky smile on his exhausted face.
“Well that’s that then my friend, on to Bechafen then?”