Greetings fellow warriors of mankind.
It is a long time sinc I last posted here, but I was not lazy.... okay, not very much. I have finished a little force (about 1000pts.) and will present you know some of my brave men.
They are all not "finished". They still need a bit work on the bases, for example grass and little stones. But they are good enough to fight and I allready had my first battle against skaven with them. I managed to win but it was a bloody battle.
So, here are the pics :
I have a unit of 10 Knights (there is a second one of 10 and another one of 10 is going to be assembled later). I use these as InnerCircle Knights and they belong to a selfmade Order. They are all converted and all got the Schaller Helmets. I also converted the banner because I don't like the normal banner of the knights, not enough space to paint something on. The banner is not yet done, because I will do some storytelling on it. On one side will be the symbol of their order and on the other one will be little images of the brave doings. Fot example these knights killed a unit of 6 Ratogres in the last battle. Maybe there will be a little symbol of that or something. I donīt know yet. So, here are the pics
The whole Unit.
A close Up of the Champion and the Standardbearer.
My Cannon:
Yeah, itīs a cannon! Look!
It didn't do much in the last battle... mostly just got overrun by giantrats. Hopefully it will to some more next time
You guys allready got a pic of my hellebards, but here they are again. They are the first 30 of my 90 guys and I like them. In the first row is my Hauptmann in small games he is the general of my army and leads from the front rank of these ... "soldier".^^ The banner is the same as the knights, on one side is a Unit Symbol (in this case a skull with the text "Aver Leitdorf" on it) and on the other Side will be pictures of the brave doings. Till know they just got killed by plague monks... so not much to be on that side
So here is the pic:
Another Pic of my Handgunners. They managed to kill a lot of rats in the last game and I like them. I know Averland depends more on xbows, but I don't have them painted yet.
They are used as my detatchment for my Hellebards and they performed well. Killed some plague Monks and managed to hold some other rats on my flank. They aren't based yet because.... I am too lazy. Damnit.
So guys, thatīs it for today.
Right now I am painting on another Hauptmann and I will post pics as soon as he is ready. After that I need a mage and then ... who knows!