
Author Topic: My army of Nordland, big update  (Read 23668 times)

Offline Weilyn

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My army of Nordland, big update
« on: May 02, 2010, 04:04:02 PM »
Good evening, dear forumers!
This is my first post on this forum (though

I've been a reader for a couple of years

now), and in it i was planning to show you my

Empire army of Nordland.

(While reading my comments, please forgive my

poor English...)

So, this is what I've been painting the last

couple of years. A couple of months ago I

grew tired of the very grimdark paintsheme,

and decided to start a new armywith much

happier and colourful uniforms.

My army is based of the not-yet-fully-built

city of Königsbach. As you can see, the city

now only contains an inn, a marble shrine,

and an outhouse... it's a WIP...

I use this guy either as a General or a Grand

Master. His head and right arm, as well as

the wreaths, are taken from the Knightly

Orders frame, his body and steed are from the

Empire Generals box and the banner is from

the State Troops. The shields on the base are

from Dark Elf Spearmen. Nordlanders are often

in contact with dark elf raiders, and my best

friend collects them, so it seemed

appropriate to add them to the model. I'm

quite happy with how he turned out, though

the banner could need more work. As you will

see, I have painted a lot of yellow crosses

on the models in this army, mainly because I

want to stick it to a Swedish-ish theme.

This guy was made from the body of the Empire

Generals box, and arms from the Knightly

Orders and Empire Militia. I tried to make

the armour look enchanted by edge

highlighting it light blue. Not sure about

the results, though...

Here's a shot of his back.

Ordinary Warrior Priest. Quite happy with the


My two scratch-built Master Engineers, Klas

and Mas.

Klas: One of my favourite models in the whole

army. I love it how he doesn't even look up

from his book, to see where he's pointing.

His arms are from the Greatswords, the book

is from the Empire Wizards box while his

torso and legs are from the old State Troops.

His holster (even though it's hard to see

from these angles) is from the Space Marine

Commender box. Not sure where the head is

from, though...

Mas: Right arm and legs are from the old

State Troops, left arm is from the

greatswords, his sword is from the new State

Troops and his Repeater is from the

Handgunners frame. Again, I can't say for

sure where the head is from...

Another scratch-build, this guy is mostly

used as a captain, who deploys along with my

Huntsmen. His arms and legs are from the

Archers, his head is from the greatswords,

the cloak is from the Empire Generals box,

and his torso is from the old State Troops.

His hood was made from green stuff.

Ugh... can't say I love the paintjob on this

wizard. His goggles (taken from the Space

Marines Scout Snipers) are pretty cool,


Another wizard. I really like the way he

looks at the enemy, while covering his face

with his hand. Other than that he's pretty


I realised I had an extra Handgunner body, so

I scratch-built this guy. Unfortunately I

can't use him as a Lord or a Hero, since the

only model on foot that can be equipped with

a brace of pistols is a Handgunner

sharpshooter. Too bad, since he looks pretty

awesome! His head and left hand are from the

Empire General, his right arm is from the

greatswords, while the right arm is from the

Empire Militia frame. The cloak is from the

Knights of The White Wolf frame.

This cannon was made from an old pencil

sharpener that a friend of mine gave me

(thanks for that, Zurk :icon_biggrin:). The

barrel is almost twice as long as that of the

GW model, so i figured the wheels of a cannon

that heavy would just sink through the snow.

Therefore i made it a sled from coffee

stirrers. (10 points to whoever knows what

Vergeltungswaffe III i supposed to mean.)

I'm afraid I'm running out of time, but I'll

come back and post more pictures a little


Constructive criticism is, of course, always


« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 11:25:27 PM by Weilyn »
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2010, 04:18:53 PM »
Okay... I know the above text looks stupid, what with it looking like i hit enter every three seconds and all, but every time I try to modify it, it just says "500 internal error".

I'll try and fix it later...
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Offline Your Mother

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 05:04:09 PM »
Very good work. I like the gold armor on the general.
I like cheese.            My Army Blog: http://www.warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=21327.0

Offline Henerius

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 06:05:55 PM »
Welcome to the forum as a active member.  :happy: 

Reading the forum for years does not have to bore anyone by any means ;)

I like the cannon, nicely done
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Offline Zak

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2010, 10:38:28 PM »
welcome dude ..its a great lookin army and you will enjoy this sight  :::cheers:::
Yes I'm dyslexic so what

Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2010, 10:30:18 AM »
@Your Mother
Thank you! It was really simple to paint, actually. A basecoat of Brazen Brass followed by a wash of Gryphonne Sepia, a highlight of Shining Gold, and a light drybrush of Mithril Silver.

Thanks! I used the same technique on the barrel as on the general's armour. Had to let it dry upside down, though, or else the wash would just have run down to the bottom of it.

Thank you, I hope I will.  :happy:

My two regiments of State Troops, the Nordland marines and the Königsbach town watch.
When I assembled these regiments i used one box of State Troops and one box of Empire Militia,. I then mixed the bitz together, to make the units a little more versatile. The marines are about 70 % state troop bitz and 30 % militia, while the watchmen are about 30 %-70 %.

This banner is from the Greatswords. Quite satisfied with the freehanding. The blue highlights look better IRL.

A bottle of rum: Never leave ship without it.

An example of mixed bitz. Head, arms and shield are from the State Troops, while the legs and the torso are from the Empire Militia.


My handgunners. Their heads are from the Empire Militia, the Artillery Crew, the State Troops, the Archers, the Knights of the White Wolf and of course the Handgunners kit. I really don't care much where bitz come from, as long as they look nice together.

Their bayonetts are mostly made from the little swords that come in the Handgunners box. Since the were sheated I had to trim them down a little.

A unit filler, that I'm pretty happy with. The models are just bluetacked onto the base for now, because I will have to paint them seperatly.

That's all for now, but pictures of, among others, my knights and greatswords will soon follow.

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Offline peraturabo

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2010, 02:15:38 PM »
wow...a V3 Cannon...

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2010, 07:26:47 PM »
Nice army keep the pictures coming :)

Added your blog to the sticky aswell
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2010, 10:04:03 PM »
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Offline peraturabo

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2010, 08:10:06 PM »
a bit ;)

But i like your blue and yellow,how did you paint that?

Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2010, 07:23:57 AM »
Nice army keep the pictures coming :)

Added your blog to the sticky aswell
Great! Thank, you. :icon_smile:
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2010, 07:36:06 AM »
a bit ;)

But i like your blue and yellow,how did you paint that?

Well, to be honest I actually didn't even know there was a V3 cannon when i painted my cannon, having only heard of the V1s and V2s, so I only added Vergeltungswaffe III to the sled as sort of a mythology gag, rather than a reference to the actual weapon. And also because I like how it sounds.

... I hope that made any sense...

I paint yellow by first applying a basecoat of Iyanden Darksun over a Chaos Black undercoat. I then wash it with Gryphonne Sepia, and highlight it with Golden Yellow.

The blue varies a little depending on what model I'm painting. My lower ranking models, like the state troops, are first given a basecoat of Regal Blue over Chaos Black, followed by a wash of Gryphonne Sepia, and a highlighting of Ultramarines Blue. I used to highlight the edges with Ice Blue as well, but i didn't really like how that looked, so I don't do that any more.

On my higher ranking models, such as the generals and the greatswords, and whatnot, I start with a basecoat of Mordian Blue, followed by a highlight of regal blue, and a final highlight of Ice Blue.
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2010, 08:45:37 AM »
I have just assembled all my knights, so I thought I'd share some pictures of them.

These guys are pretty boring, since all their bitz come straight from the Knightly Orders box. Next picture.

My knights belong to the Order of the Golden Cross (more Swedish symbolism) so I only used the knight shields that have crosses on them. When I ran out of those I instead used shields from the old State Troopers, as I did on these four. Why is the knight on the right carrying his helmet? Because his epic beard doesn't fit in it, of course!

I replaced som of the plumes with standard tips, so that no helmets need to look the same. The bitz are from the State Troops and the Greatswords.

This knight's legs are from the old State Troops. I had to rashape them to make them fit on the horse (you can still se cut, there) but I'll use some greenstuff to smooth it out. His head is from the artillery crew, I believe, and the little shield on his pauldron is from the Space Marine Terminators.

This was a fun little project. I tried to assemble this knight to look like the statue of Karl (or Charles) IX in Gothenburg (also known as Kopparmärran = The copper mare). I think I got them to look quite alike.

As like as two peas?

My final knight. I will use him either as a Preceptor, a Captain/General, a Grand Master or maybe even as a count-as Kurt Helborg.

His right arm is from the Empire Generals box, the wreath is from the Greatswords, and the shield is from the old State Troops. The seals are from a Space Marine Tactical Squad box, and the little sword on his right is from the handgunners I believe.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 09:43:43 AM by Weilyn »
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Offline peraturabo

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2010, 04:00:14 PM »
Thank for the yellow tut

Cool knights btw

Offline Border Lord

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2010, 07:59:20 PM »
I really like your "Kopparmärra". Will you paint him in the same "old copper" colour? :::cheers:::
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Offline Kirgan

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2010, 11:14:46 AM »
It is nice idea but here is some criticism 1st Yellow Cros it is not good yellow you should take  Iyanden Darksun for base and after that you will have good yellow and 2nd Nordland is most of Ulric so you should use more fluff they are not Classical Empire army for example you take Teutogen Guard insted of Greaat Swords so keep with good work  :biggriin:
Commission Painting-PM  :)

Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2010, 10:58:05 AM »
Thank for the yellow tut

Cool knights btw
You're welcome, and thank you.  :wink:
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2010, 10:59:27 AM »
I really like your "Kopparmärra". Will you paint him in the same "old copper" colour? :::cheers:::
Nah, I'm going to use him as a knight, rather than a statue, but I tink I'm going to paint his armour a little corroded, to stick to the reference, so to say.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 11:14:55 AM by Weilyn »
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2010, 11:07:46 AM »
It is nice idea but here is some criticism 1st Yellow Cros it is not good yellow you should take  Iyanden Darksun for base and after that you will have good yellow and 2nd Nordland is most of Ulric so you should use more fluff they are not Classical Empire army for example you take Teutogen Guard insted of Greaat Swords so keep with good work  :biggriin:
As I already said in my very short yellow tutorial (you can read it somewhere up there) I do use Iyanden Darksun. I have to agree with you, though. The general's cross needs more work (I'm guessing you are refering to the freehanded cross on my general's banner).

I've always been under the impression that Nordlanders worship mainly Sigmar and Mannan. The cult of Ulric may be pretty large, but mostly in the rural parts of the province, and my army is based of a naval city; Königsbach. There are a couple of reasons I don't use Teutogen Guards:
1, They're hard to come by.
2, I prefer plastic over metal.
3, I think the Greatswords look better.
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Offline Kirgan

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2010, 11:02:01 AM »
Yes on general's banner on north of Empire Ulric is still main God but if you try you always can make or purchase Teutogen I think that both GS & TG looks great  :biggriin:
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2010, 11:27:19 AM »
Update time!

My greatswords, the first fantasy regiment I have ever finished. Many of their heads are from the Knights.

The box contained bits for 10 models, but gave me a lot of spare arms heads and torsos. I used these together with legs from the old state troops, the thigh-guards (or whatever) from the same box, torsos and heads from the knights, and a bunch of other bits, to make another 5 Greatswords. The guy in the middle got his head from the Empire General box.

The other two kitbashed Greatswords.

I was going to post a picture of my archers as well, but I can't seem to find it. Instead I give some highlights from the unit.

The Archer Sharpshooter. I like giving the unit leaders white beards, to further show how older and more experienced they are. You can (barely) see it on the Count's Chosen of my Greatswords as well.

I just love the bottles from the State Troops box.

I know Archers cant have musicians, but I really liked the idea of different units of Huntsmen communicating with each other through horn blasts. So i gave him a horn from the Greatswords frame, and I think it looks pretty good.

That's all for now. Comments and criticism are greatly welcomed, as always. :smile2:
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 01:10:53 PM by Weilyn »
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2010, 12:17:00 PM »
[...] on north of Empire Ulric is still main God [...]

Source please, lest I shall be forced to call bullshit.
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Offline Kirgan

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2010, 04:00:47 PM »
Warhammer RPG 1st edition and compendiuns for him old White Dwarfs and old novels so that is ok with you like source  :biggriin:
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Offline Weilyn

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2010, 06:51:54 PM »
The bullshit call has been revoked, my dear Kirgan, but I am still not completely convinced, having never read anything about the cult of Ulric being the main religion of Nordland anywhere. Either way, I have never been a fan of the Ulric imagery, or the Ulricish models, so my army stays sigmar/manannite.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 06:56:25 PM by Weilyn »
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Offline Kirgan

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Re: My army of Nordland (lots of pics)
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2010, 07:24:17 PM »
Ok nobody force you to do that just say I more like this way and it is ok  :::cheers:::
Commission Painting-PM  :)