
Author Topic: Which is your favourite edition?  (Read 23252 times)

Offline DariusZero

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Which is your favourite edition?
« on: February 26, 2010, 09:21:19 AM »
So, which edition of empire models is your favourite? Which edition do you find most difficult to assemble from those plastic sprues? Do you like the add-ons of  the 7th or do you disapprove them? Do you mix different editions in one unit or do you prefer to field them separately?
Post everything related to different editions of our beloved empire troopers here.
If you happen to also have a photo to go with it, then  even the better.  :smile2:

« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 11:01:32 AM by DariusZero »
One of the big wigs... once told them "If a household doesn't have an income of $70,000, we don't consider them a GW target customer."
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Offline DariusZero

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 11:11:53 AM »
Hi there...I had to edit the post due to lack of interest...it seems it was too restrictive, but now it's flexible enough I think.

My favourite models so far are the detachment of the 6th edition. Solid, simple but still attractive. I also like the puffy sleeves, since they are the trade mark of Empire. In the unit of 10 I then added a marksman model from the 7th edition, and he blends in the unit perfectly, thou I had to slip a small piece of pl.sprue under his feet, because he seems to be just a bit smaller then the rest of the guys.

One of the big wigs... once told them "If a household doesn't have an income of $70,000, we don't consider them a GW target customer."
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Offline Rodman49

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 11:25:15 AM »
I agree.  6th Edition had the best Empire minis in addition to being the most balanced edition of Warhammer.

Offline Finlay

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 12:30:02 PM »
6th edition plastics are so much better than the 7th Edition. I really hate the 7th edition a lot!

Can't really comment on much earlier. Some of the older models were crap, but the old metal archers and handgunners were lovely.
I don't care about the rules.

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 12:30:17 PM »
10th edition.

By then they ought to get it right.

Until then, 6th for troopers, but the new greatswords, outriders, pistoliers, huntsmen are none too shabby either...

Ruleswise, definitely 6th.
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
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Offline Gneisenau

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 12:49:46 PM »
Rules-wise, 6th edition was the pinnacle of WHFB. I can only comment from 4th upwards though.

Models... hm, let's see. Excellent empire models are:
- Free company - 6th edition, but introduced during 5th as Mordheim models
- Empire infantry - the one everybody refers to was actually 5th edition, not 6th (save the command sprue)
- Crossbowmen/Handgunners - the old 4th/5th edition metal ones are by far the best
- Artillery - the current one is quite good; a tad less characterfull, but better scaled than the 4th/5th edition ones (which is great as well); so overall a win for 7th in my eyes
- Outriders/Pistoliers - the 4th/5th edition outrider horsemen were better sculpts, but the better horses and better pistoliers make this a win for 7th again
- Greatswords - tough choice, nice sculpts throughout, but I'd say 6th edition is best here.

- 7th edition archers are great as well. Sooo... basically: Perry Empire sculpts rule.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 12:54:18 PM by Gneisenau »

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 12:55:17 PM »
Rules...3rd Ed apart from the magic, followed closely by 6th ed all round.


3rd Ed Marauder Minis on the whole were awesome.

I have a soft spot for the 3rd ed knights since they did ALL the different orders properly.

I love the 6th Ed Empire plastic infantry though, and they are probably my favourites

I also liked the Bretonian stuff the Perry's did in metal (probably 3rd ed, can you see a theme...)
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Offline Gneisenau

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2010, 12:58:52 PM »
Who did the 5th edition Bretonian men-at-arms?

Those were very good, too.

Offline WallyTWest

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2010, 01:01:49 PM »
Yea, its hard to beat those 5th edition metals. Most of them rocked so hardcore...

The infantry looked fantastic.
The Cav was... unique but in so many ways better than the current plastic set.
The metal elector counts where awesome, heck the range of metal heroes was not bad.
I really like the old plastic infantry, with the heavy breastplate.

Now most of it was polycast, just a single piece of lead... but I did not mind that. I feel like they only just recently crawled back from 5th with the 7th edition plastics. Those are some fine models. Marauder grade shields, good poses, lots of sprue options. If I did not own so much of the former i would re-invest in the new stuff. I mean compare the new pistoliers with the old ones... As for that shoe thing... sorry folks, after some thought I will go so far as to say I like it.

I feel its worth mentioning the warhammer buildings, its nice to have those around. Those are a definate improvement.

As for black holes in the range....

Our Knights are in sorry shape.
We need mounted wizards.

If that can be done, what a range of plastics......
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Offline ZeroTwentythree

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2010, 01:10:23 PM »

I'll go with a lot of what's already been said.

I liked 6th edition rules, followed by a nostalgic fondness for 3rd edition rules.

The 5th edition plastic state troops were great, as are the 6th edition militia/Mordheim sets. The 6th edition handgunners and spearmen were not too bad, either. I do like the new 7th edition pistoliers. I don't have any of the huntsmen, but they look very good from what I've seen.

I'd also have to agree that those old metal figures from both Marauder & Citadel around 4th & 5th edition were some of the best stuff they've done.

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2010, 01:15:16 PM »
I have all the 3rd/4th edition metals, the 5th/6th edition plastics and metals and the current plastic range. I also have the marauder empire dwarves, the empire ogres and the halflings and love them all.

I won't use the current statetroops, handgunners/crossbowmen and pistoliers/outriders as is, because I don't think they look as good as previous editions. I will however use them to convert other troops and combine them with spare arms from older sets, etc...

There's room for all.

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2010, 01:44:33 PM »
I like 6 Ed. models best. I don't like the one-piece spearmen as much as the multi-part 'Empire Soldiers' models but I find them and the Milita very handy to use as Swordsmen/Halberdiers. And if they are modelled with shields stuck to their backs instead of on their arms they can be stored 2/space in any GW-sized foam figure carrying tray - except for standards which ideally need a space to themselves.

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2010, 01:51:14 PM »

I started at the end of 4th edition. I'd have to say I liked the 6th edition Empire book the best, but prefer the 7th edition BRB.


State troop melee - 6th edition plastics, with almost equal love for the 7th ed stuff. I hated the massive beards/heads on the older models, just looked ridiculous.

State troop ranged - 4th? edition metals for sure. Despite the chunky beards. Exception is 7th ed archers, love them, favourite models in the whole range now.

Knights - 4th ed metals.

Pistoliers/Outriders - 7th ed plastics.

Artillery - 7th ed plastics

Flagellants - 6th ed metals

Greatswords - 6th ed metals

Characters - 7th ed foot generals/captains. Love the cheesy wizards from 4th ed despite the terrible proportions. Guilty pleasure I guess. Always hated the Volkmar model and all the old metal special characters look ridiculous to me, though most of the newer ones do too. I much prefer the 6th ed warrior priests to the 7th ed ones.

I um... liked the Valten models, even He-man  :icon_redface:

Offline ZeroTwentythree

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2010, 03:45:17 PM »

Forgot to mention that.. I love the old 3rd ed. +/- metal wizards. So much character!

Offline orcyboy

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2010, 03:56:12 PM »
I liked 3rd edition rules because it was open-ended.

4/5th ed lost me.  6th ed brought me back in.

4/5th edition Empire models are the best though. 

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2010, 03:57:50 PM »
10th edition.

By then they ought to get it right.

Or they'll have us playing with pogs.

Offline Uryens de Crux

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 04:00:49 PM »

Forgot to mention that.. I love the old 3rd ed. +/- metal wizards. So much character!

Its what I use.

ahh the days before the colleges of magic when magic was wild and free.
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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 04:20:25 PM »
I have a couple of the earliest Warhammer models, back when they packaged them with the six sided stands.  I purchased them for roleplaying at the time.  They are gorgeous figures.

Also have a handful of metal handgunners, what are these, 4th edition?  Again, gorgeous models!  As are some of the wizards of this era, and love having the ones where they give a standing and riding wizard.

The Mordheim and DoW range from this time period are super.  I've got two birdmen, a general on horse, and a quite a few of the Mordheim figures.

I have the 5th or 6th edition battalion box.  Probably 6th since it has the command sprue in it, but it also has the swordsmen/halberdier option sprues.  Great stuff!  This gives enough for 16 guys.  I'm probably going to create a detachment from these and use the rest as bits (already used 3 bodies for my border riders with crossbow unit for T&G).

The Mordheim/Militia sprues are outstandingly versatile.

I have the 6th edition spearsmen and handgunners.  Not has much versatility as the the swordsmen/halberdier's and militia of this era, yet still quite good.

The metal greatswords are also very good, and the warrior priest and engineer figures are great.

I'm not thrilled with the 7th edition state troops because a lack of ability to mix and match, and a number of the heads look cartoonish, but at least the head and weapons are interchangeable and I do like some of the bits options that are provided, including the various types of shields.  The captain's box isn't bad, and the wizard's box has surprised me with its diversity, particulary if one is open to doing some kitbashing.

The newest crop of models, pistolier/outrider, archer/huntsmen, and greatswords are excellent.  My only complaint so far is the p/o bodies look a bit blah and overly round, and the huntsmen bodies are still going with state troop trend of being one piece, yet as far as heads, arms, and bits, both are wonderful.  The great sword box returns to the legs and bodies being seperate, and I got to tell those who don't like the price, if you are into conversions, this box can do alot for you.

Wondering if I left anything out that is in my collection.
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Offline jullevi

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2010, 06:17:40 PM »
I will not comment on rules. I didn't start the hobby until late 5th edition and haven't collected Empire until 6th edition.

Modelwise, I prefer 4/5th edition metal range by Michael and Alan Perry for its consistency. However, the best individual soldier models are probably found from late eighties Fighter range. I can't say I liked 5/6th edition that much. Empire Soldiers were mostly boring, although they were easier to use than 7th edition plastics. Knights were (and still are) absolutely horrible and Cannon crew were oversized.

Then came 7th edition. I had, and still have, mixed feelings about the early releases sucs State Troops. Around that time, GW made a lot of plastic kits that shared the same feature: the bits were nice, but there was no way to build them into a miniature that looked good, and to me, that was the major failure with State Troops, Handgunners and plastic Character kit. State troops bits were mostly ok (apart from number of heads), but poses were absolutely nightmare and there wasn't much you could do about them. Plastic Character had massive scale issues. Flagellants released in second wave (around Nemesis Crown) suffered partly from the same bits/model issue than state troops and they also had some scale ridiculousness (flails), but at least they had more variation in poses and details were overally better than those of first wave plastics. As far as I can see, GW plastics took an overall step forward soon after the first 7th edition Empire stuff were released as the sculptors got more familiar with computer-aided design. I'd say Baneblade was the turning point. Had our range delayed a year or two, it would probably be much better.

The third wave of Empire (Goldswords, Archers, Steam Tank) are the pinnacle of current edition. If the other Empire plastics were of this quality, I would be very, very happy. Greatswords are easily the best Empire plastics ever. It's the first plastic kit in which puffy sleeves look really good, possibly even better than for most metal miniatures. It's really a shame how GW priced them, because it means that many players are simply going to have to skip them.
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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2010, 06:26:06 PM »
I really like most of the current troops. The state troops, whilst I'd swap them out for 6th ed if I could are ok. Most everything else is very nice.

Most things older I have more of a softspot for rather than actually thinking they look better. The old Knights for example or the Elector Counts. Cracking stuff. The old wizards were very cool too...
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Offline peraturabo

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2010, 06:28:11 PM »
the best models were in the 5th edition IMHO

Offline DariusZero

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2010, 08:10:05 PM »
Quite a massive collection of information, I must say. Thou sometimes I do get lost a little bit. I guess not every member of this forum has been collecting Empire since 3rd edition, most of them only know 6th and7th. So I was hoping that this thread would become a rich source not only in text but also in images. You know how they say it: One image tells a thousand words.

So I humbly beg just for one tiny picture on each page at least. After all you can allways go back and edit your contribution with some appropriate pics. In that case we can hope this thread gets a sticky because of all the rich lore contained within. :biggriin:

Until then I will try to post pics from my modest collection and will pray to Sigmar that I don't misguide with some wrong information. :engel:
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Offline DariusZero

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2010, 08:21:05 PM »
Metal knights of the Blazing sun.  In total there are 3 different models plus the grandmaster. I believe this is 5th edition.

One of the big wigs... once told them "If a household doesn't have an income of $70,000, we don't consider them a GW target customer."
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Offline Wolfsgaum

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2010, 08:33:45 PM »
Quite a massive collection of information, I must say. Thou sometimes I do get lost a little bit. I guess not every member of this forum has been collecting Empire since 3rd edition, most of them only know 6th and7th. So I was hoping that this thread would become a rich source not only in text but also in images. You know how they say it: One image tells a thousand words.

So I humbly beg just for one tiny picture on each page at least. After all you can allways go back and edit your contribution with some appropriate pics. In that case we can hope this thread gets a sticky because of all the rich lore contained within. :biggriin:

Until then I will try to post pics from my modest collection and will pray to Sigmar that I don't misguide with some wrong information. :engel:

I think it would be a lot simpler to just scan the miniature catalog section from the back of the 4th/5th ed Empire army book or some other old catalog. That or check out this site:

http://www.solegends.com/citcat9x3/index.htm   Shows the complete metal Empire range for 4th edition.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 08:40:25 PM by Wolfsgaum »

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Re: Which is your favourite edition?
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2010, 03:04:44 PM »
I'll have to say that the 4th edition range is my favorite. It's the one I started out with. The problem was that I couldn't afford a whole unit of metal foot troops at that time. Had to do with those Battlemasters minis. It was also cheaper to buy Wargames Foundry landsknechts around then. When the first multi part plastic kit came out I was in heaven (even though the plastic kit cost as much as the metal landsknechts).