This blog will be used to monitor my empire models in their various stages, to show off my army, and have some fun getting pointers and comments about my army and work.
The Fluff:The 2nd intervention army from Altdorf is one of two special army groups brought together at the idea of Karl Franz himself. This army is mainly deployed in the northern regions (Nordland, Ostland, Hochland and Middenland) of the Empire to combat any stress situations encountered by those provinces where the standing army is in need of some bolstering to counter the various threats from within or from the northlands. Where as the 1st intervention army is looking after the South-Eastern part of the Empire (Ostermark, Stirland, Averland and Wissenland).
Due to the nature of this army being deployed mostly against the Skaven, Beastmen, Deamons and Warriors of Chaos it has gotten some special interest from the Grand Master Templar of the White Wolf and the Ar-Ulric. This is why there is usually a contigent of White Wolf knights present and some warrior priests of Ulric in this Altdorf army.
Also Knights of the Blazing Sun are often seen riding along side this army as they have devoted their time to combat anything that has nothing to do with the natural beings of this world. Sometimes the Grand Masters or the Ar-Ulric themself join the army.
Less often are some contingents of Reiksguard Knights and Knights Panther joining the army.
The army is composed of several infantry units all paid and equipped by the Altdorf / Empire treasury and are by those means very good equipped. Also a few units of the mobile artillery from Altdorf is accompaning the army (ofcourse bought from the foundries of Nuln and the crew trained there as well). This army when moving around will also attract some Flaggelants and usually will get some aid from the local militia.
This way Karl Franz hopes to keep his northern borders of the Empire protected enough to let the people of the Empire live in relative peace.
The leadership of this intervention army was given in the hands of General Johan van den Kornput.
Under his leadership he has several Captains and Champions to lead his battalions.
Willem II van der Marck, assigned Arch Lector of Sigmar.
Jacob Blommaert, assigned Warrior Priest of Sigmar.
Hendrick Lonck, Captain (sometimes seen riding into battle on his pegasus).
Willem Corneliszoon van Duyvenbode, Captain bearer of the Battle Standard.
Adriaen van Bergen , Engineer leading the several units of mobile artillery.
Jan van Hout , Witchhunter
Lancelot van Brederode , Halberdier Sergeant.
Cornelis Jansz Dirkszoon , Spearmen Sergeant.
Otto van Gendt , Duellist.
Adriaan Pauw , Crossbowmen Marksman.
Reinier Pauw , Handgunner Marksman.
Johan de Knuyt , Archer Marksman.
Diederik Sonoy , Count's Champion.
Johan de Mepsche , Huntsmen tracker.
Barthout Entens van Mentheda , Pistolier Outrider.
Jacob Dircksz de Graeff , Outrider Sharpshooter.
François Vranck , Steamtank Commander.
Janus Dousa, Bright Wizard. (Lore of Fire)
Joost de Moor, Amber Wizard. (Lore of Beasts)
Lenaert Jansz de Graeff, Gold Wizard. (Lore of Metal)
Jan van Galen, White Wizard. (Lore of Light)
Jan van Horne, Jade Wizard. (Lore of Life)
Jacob Duym, Celestial Wizard. (Lore of Heavens)
Carl von Rabenhaupt, Grey Wizard. (Lore of Shadows)
Arent van Duivenvoorde, Amethyst Wizard. (Lore of Death)
Aiding the Intervention Army on more then one occasion and sent by their respective Templar Grand Masters are the Knight Champions leading their knights:
Johan van Oldenbarnevelt , Reikscaptain of the Reiksguard Knights
Wolfert van Borselen , Preceptor of the Knights of the White Wolf.
Floris van Montmorency , Preceptor of the Knights of the Blazing Sun.
Walburgis van Neuenahr , Preceptor of the Knights Panther.
Jelle Broers Hylckama , Preceptor of the Royal Altdorf Gryphites.
The Priests of Ulric that show up occasionally:
Godfried van Mervel and Franciscus de Roye lead by Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir.
Sometimes the Army attracts some Flaggelants led by:
Willem Bette , Prophet of Doom
The modeller/painter part of me:I'm not in anyway artistic with sculpting and adding to a model this way, but I do not shy from adding some bits here and there that I have lingering around nor swapping bits out for others. Because of this most of the units you will get to see from me are pretty standard build.
As for the painting part... I'm a perfectionist and even with the rank and file units I kinda get carried away, hence why I didn't have much painted yet for back in the day.
The collector part of me:Formost I think of myself as a collector, but due to a tight budget I am not able to get most stuff together as fast as I would like too. I hope the 2nd post in this thread will represent my collecting ability aswell besides the progress I am making on getting my models ready.
I'll update this 2nd post (and the 3rd aswell if I get my hands on something not Empire related) regularly, so check it often!
The gamer part of me:Back in 1999 when I started this hobby I played pretty often with/against friends (Chaos, High Elves) and later I even joined the local gaming club and participated in a small tournament aswell (winning from a squickhopper/snotling pump wagon army). But the gaming group fell apart, the local club requiring 80% painted armies and other things in life made me stop the hobby for a while.
Picked up gaming again in 2010 when I met my newly aquired brother-in-law who played skaven. Had some stuff going on in my personal life again so stopped the hobby again for 6-9 months. Since the start of 2011 I'm back in the game versus skaven with 8th edition rule set and looking forward to start playing games on and off, maybe even at the local gaming shop (same founder as the gaming club back in 1999).
I also intend to visit the Eurobashes organized by this forum to have a blast at gaming. Where I have been
5 consecutive years now!
Link to my wordpress blog for all: Link to my Army Lists: to my Battle Reports: to my Lizardmen Blog: to my Lizardmen Armylists: to my Lizardmen Battle Reports: to my Stormcast Eternal Blog: