Well, something like 6-7 years ago, possibly a bit longer, I made a start with painting my empire figures. Now I can see several things that need to be improved (especially higlighting and shading), but with exception of the most glaring bits (like the knights' barding that needs some shading/highligting), I will concentrate on the more or less 1000 figures I have left to paint for this army (give or take a couple hundred).
When I started painting this, I went for the nostalgic red, yellow and blue scheme and I must say that, seeing them together, I still like it. It's quite striking on the table. So I will continue with that. In addition to the regular "KF", some also have the initials "WK", which stand for Willem Karl (ok, it's derived from my username) who is my supreme commander in the fluff that only exists in my head.
Enough talk. Here are the pictures. Take in mind that these are old paintjobs and I have gotten better since.
The start of the army:

The Knights Panther. They are all metal, some are converted to avoid doubles, the musician has metal legs and a plastic upper body. The foot knight uses bits from the 6th edition footsoldier command sprue and the knights sprue.

The horses all have banners with pseudo-latin rousing phrases on one side and freehand panther heraldry on the other:

The champion for the unite was my most elaborate conversion at the time and used a metal knight with the helmet crest replaced by one from the plastic knights, a banner top added to the horse head and a heroquest orc morningstar for a weapon. I'm still quite fond of it.

The artillery: classic cannon, mortar and hellblaster, all metal (except for the wheels)

Some of my all time favourite figures, the Marauder imperial ogres (I still need to paint the others in the set)