Well, getting back into painting, after a long break. But the Christmas Holiday's are here so I finally have some time!
I've really enjoyed reading other folks paint blogs and learning tricks from them, so I thought I'd start one of my own.
There are a few things I really wished I'd known before I started
-get rid of mold lines!
And of course, like everyone else, the first thing I did when I got my first troops was paint the biggest, baddest, hero I had. I did all the characters and command groups first, and as a result, they look bad compared to the rank and file troopers I did later. I've cleaned them all off with simple green, which works wonders on metal models and doesn't do too well on plastic ones. On one plastic model it dissolved the glue (which I was happy with actually) and it took off the first layer of paint but not really the primer (which I am also happy with).
I spent most of today building a light box, actually, in an effort to be able to take good pictures of my miniatures...but I think my lights aren't bright enough. as you really can't see any of the highlighting. The color balance seems decent however.
These miniatures are arranged in chronological order, oldest left. You can see how simply he is painted, and how is face is terrible. Moving to the right I get better at faces (I think!) and actually put in some highlights on blue. Highlighting on red is still really hard for me.
I'm using the bleached bone for the weapon and musket stocks as I think it looks richer, and I'm trying to make a rich Altdorf army, and I think it contrasts more than a normal brown color would look.
You can also see a bad attempt at basing the one figure. It's loose gravel or something from a hobby store - but I think I'm just going to use coarse sand. Right now it looks like he's standing in a field of potato sized rocks which I think you'll agree is not very likely to happen.