Thanks guys! What a response.
Let's see if I can sort this out...
GamesPoet, I saw similar shields on historic German banners and thought it might fit the Empire's federal structure just as well (the Empire
is Rennaissance Germany with real griffons, right?).
Agger, the reds and yellows are both based on GW's Foundation paints. I'll try to post up a tutorial sometime soon. Got lots of WIP models laying around anyway. In short:
Red: Paint everything Mechrite Red. Wash with 1:1 mix of Baal Red and Devlan Mud. Reapply Mechrite Red as a first, broad highlight. Highlight once or twice with well-thinned Blood Red. Set pinpoint highlights with a mix of Blood Red, Fiery Orange and Bleached Bone.
The trick is to use the Blood Red to pull the whole surface out of that dull, magenta look the Mechrite gives and into the
red range.
The yellow is a bit simpler. Same technique but with these paints: Iyanden Darksun, Sepia wash, Darksun again, then highlights with mixes of Darksun, Golden Yellow, white. I'll elaborate on this in a short tutorial later.
Pistol Pete, might just as well do one for faces while I'm at it.
Glad you like the dagger guy, he's my current favourite too.
Soth, I did use the new(ish) GW washes to shade just about everything, but worked over them afterwards. I also gave some parts (like the beards eg) washes with regular thinned paint.
Marius, I always paint over a basecoat. What you see is Fanatic Army Painter's grey undercoat spray. It's about as light as Codex Grey but a little colder - I love it as you can paint both light and dark tones over it without any problems. Painted a Bloodbowl elf some weeks ago and used the grey as base for the white robes. Works a treat.
OK, I think I got everything in.
Might get some painting done tonight... If so, I'll post pics.