
Author Topic: Friendly Warbands Campaign  (Read 5425 times)

Offline DaCone2

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Friendly Warbands Campaign
« on: August 12, 2009, 11:56:03 AM »
Hello there!
Me and my friend are going to start a warbands campaign next week starting at 200pts each and escalating from there.
All Characters and units must be named and have a little background.
3 Games per week, will be mixture of custom scenario's, and normal warbands battles.
Magic items must be earned by winning special scenarios.

We've fleshed out the backstory a little bit so the overarching plot is:
A political shift in Naggaroth means that Parents and family of Alaar Woundseer get killed. To save himself, he sets out in exile to try and get enough wealth to reclaim his rightful place. He decides to become a corsair and raid the empire. The dark elves find a rural town which has been run down by the local Chancellor Albrecht Von Kesselhof. Attacking at night they take the town by surprise whilst some of the local garrison are out on patrol.

Lead by Jurgen Von Kesselhof ( Warrior Priest for the coastal town of Sturmhelden )
The younger brother of Sturmhelden's Town Chancellor Albrecht Von Kesselhof was forced into becoming an Initiate in the local church of sigmar to keep him out of his brothers hair. Frequently sent on patrols by his brother to get him out of the way during his 'business deals' he comes back to find his home town in flames.

Albrecht Von Kesselhof is reknowned in the area as a drunk, a womaniser and a trafficker of illegal opiates. His brother frequently gets sent away on frivilous patrols to try and keep him from seeing his opiate shipments

Campaign Empire Army:    200 pts
10 Swordsmen                  85 pts
     Full Command ( Jurgen here )

10 Spearmen                    72 pts
     Standard, Musician

5 Handgunners                  40 pts

Dark Elves
Lead by Alaar Woundseer
Born into the Nobilty of Karond Kar, a political shift in Naggaroth means that the parents and family of Alaar Woundseer get killed. To save himself, he sets out in exile as a to try and get enough wealth to get his own back. He decides to become a corsair to raid the empire.

Campaign Dark Elf Army:   200 pts
6 Corsairs                         70 pts
   Reaver ( Alaar )

3 Crossbowmen                 30 pts

3 Crossbowmen                 30 pts

10 Warriors                       70 pts

Later in the campaign other forces will become involved as well. Chaos and Lizardmen are definates and Vampire Counts and Skaven are maybes. They will provide a bit of a change plus give potential for different scenarios.

We're also thinking of getting the Mighty Empires tiles and using them as a visual indication of the areas. Maybe using the proper campaign rules once the armies get too big for warbands?

Should we reduce the standard pool dice to 1? It's a lot smaller than a standard game but we're not sure how that would effect the playing.

I've read through the rules and they don't seem to rule out using steam tanks in the larger game? Have i missed something? ( I'd never do that, just wondering )

We're also not sure about the char wound table. If the character gets removed from the table, he automatically has to roll for injury? It seems a little harsh given how often characters die.

Does anyone have any suggestions about ideas for names, fluff, scenarios or just general thoughts on the warbands rules?

Offline Fandir Nightshade

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Re: Friendly Warbands Campaign
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2009, 12:02:26 PM »
Detachment system is lethal in warband games a unit of 10 (I think you have to field at least ten) spears with a handgunner detachment and 5 free companies are made of pure win and flexibility.

Go for another two units of 5 crossbows and you are set for a great victory. Think about a militia army with some professional bodyguard for your character (best would be local halberdiers) or you go the other approach that Albrecht managed to convince some members of the crew of the vessel that brought him over to naggarond to join him with promise of plunder.

Offline DaCone2

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Re: Friendly Warbands Campaign
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 01:18:00 AM »
Fandir, that sounds like a good idea. I'm thinking of getting a detachment of 5 crossbows first, then saving up for a warrior priest ( mainly so that i can catch up with painting the units )

Albrecht might well show up later in the campaign . . .   :happy:

Anyones thoughts on interesting scenario's would be appreciated though cos theres only so many i can think of.

Offline Von Kurst

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Re: Friendly Warbands Campaign
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2009, 02:26:31 AM »
There where not many warbands scenarios since warbands used the different maps and objectives to effectively turn each game into a scenario.

You could also use the special features from the 7th edition rules to add a twist to selected battles.

I enjoy adding an injury table to Warhammer games because it adds character to the leaders and makes players a bit more aware of the consequences of bad moves.  We only roll for injuries when a model is removed because of wounds suffered in combat or because his unit was run down when it fled.  We have modified some of the injuries to require that games be missed rather than characteristics lowered as being without the character is still a hardship, but the character is still effective.
“Why is the rum always gone?” -Captain Jack Sparrow
"It is, it is a glorious thing To be a Pirate King."
 -Gilbert, Sir W(illiam) S(chwenck)

Offline DaCone2

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Re: Friendly Warbands Campaign
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2009, 06:18:34 PM »
We finally started the campaign today.
The first game was to set the scene by having the Dark Elves invade Sturmhelden. Given that if the dark elves lost this game it'd be very short campaign storywise we stacked the odds a bit.
We started by me setting up first automatically, and facing my units away from the enemy ( they have been caught by surprise by the dark elves after all ) So Dark Elves had auto first turn, then my units had to turn around in mine, then fire the turn after. ( other than the cannon )
Then the dark elves set up. I wanted to use a helblaster to see how it'd do but i settled on a cannon just to be safe.


Empire forces: ( top to bottom )

5 Halberdiers (D)
10 Swordsmen
    Full Command   

5 Handgunners(D)
9 Greatswords
    Full Command
    Plate Armour
    Battle Standard
5 Free Company(D)

5 Handgunners (D)
10 Spearmen
    Full Command   


Dark Elf forces: ( top to bottom )

5 Crossbowmen

Reaper Bolt Thrower

10 Corsairs

5 Crossbowmen

10 Warriors
    Full Command

10 Executioners

10 Corsairs

10 Warriors
    Full Command

1st game result - Win for dark elves. Survivors were 7 Corsairs, 6 Spearmen w command and 2 x 5 crossbowmen - 227 pts, ( joined by reaver for next game as thats my mates leader )
Empire survivors was just the captain on 2 wounds ( this was accidental but really handy as in the plot we wanted, he runs away and pops up later in the campaign . . . )

Game 2 is where my warband has come back and found the dark elves celebrating after sacking the town.
The Dark Elves set up in the centre of the table, with only the forces that survived the first game. My forces approach from the edges and the Dark Elves can't do anything until i alert them to my presence.


My forces were:
10 Swordsmen
    Full Command   

10 Spearmen
    Standard, Musician

5 Handgunners

The empire decided to attack the dark elves by surprised, the handgunners took aim and promtly missed the crossbowmen with everything wasting my scenario advantage.
The Dark Elves close in taking fire as they come. I decided to risk the swordsmen against the crossbowmen ( i thought it'd be a bit dull if they stayed there, didn't think about VP's as we've never used them. )
I chose that choke point as it wasn't quite wide enough for two units to get down so it'd hold up longer.

In the end the crossbowmen nearly wiped the swordsmen out, but were eventually pinned in combat and the corsair reaver had his entire unit killed bar him and still managed to win combat against the handgunners making them run off the table.

Empire Survivors:
2 Swordsmen Champ, Standard
5 Spearmen, Standard Musician
74 pts

Dark Elf Survivors:
3 x Crossbowmen
5 Crossbowmen
2 Spearmen
Corsair Reaver
126 pts

If i had left that swordsmen unit there i probably would have won! Ah well. I still had fun which is the main thing. :)