We finally started the campaign today.
The first game was to set the scene by having the Dark Elves invade Sturmhelden. Given that if the dark elves lost this game it'd be very short campaign storywise we stacked the odds a bit.
We started by me setting up first automatically, and facing my units away from the enemy ( they have been caught by surprise by the dark elves after all ) So Dark Elves had auto first turn, then my units had to turn around in mine, then fire the turn after. ( other than the cannon )
Then the dark elves set up. I wanted to use a helblaster to see how it'd do but i settled on a cannon just to be safe.

Empire forces: ( top to bottom )
5 Halberdiers (D)
10 Swordsmen
Full Command
5 Handgunners(D)
9 Greatswords
Full Command
Plate Armour
Battle Standard
5 Free Company(D)
5 Handgunners (D)
10 Spearmen
Full Command
Dark Elf forces: ( top to bottom )
5 Crossbowmen
Reaper Bolt Thrower
10 Corsairs
5 Crossbowmen
10 Warriors
Full Command
10 Executioners
10 Corsairs
10 Warriors
Full Command
1st game result - Win for dark elves. Survivors were 7 Corsairs, 6 Spearmen w command and 2 x 5 crossbowmen - 227 pts, ( joined by reaver for next game as thats my mates leader )
Empire survivors was just the captain on 2 wounds ( this was accidental but really handy as in the plot we wanted, he runs away and pops up later in the campaign . . . )
Game 2 is where my warband has come back and found the dark elves celebrating after sacking the town.
The Dark Elves set up in the centre of the table, with only the forces that survived the first game. My forces approach from the edges and the Dark Elves can't do anything until i alert them to my presence.

My forces were:
10 Swordsmen
Full Command
10 Spearmen
Standard, Musician
5 Handgunners
The empire decided to attack the dark elves by surprised, the handgunners took aim and promtly missed the crossbowmen with everything wasting my scenario advantage.
The Dark Elves close in taking fire as they come. I decided to risk the swordsmen against the crossbowmen ( i thought it'd be a bit dull if they stayed there, didn't think about VP's as we've never used them. )
I chose that choke point as it wasn't quite wide enough for two units to get down so it'd hold up longer.

In the end the crossbowmen nearly wiped the swordsmen out, but were eventually pinned in combat and the corsair reaver had his entire unit killed bar him and still managed to win combat against the handgunners making them run off the table.
Empire Survivors:
2 Swordsmen Champ, Standard
5 Spearmen, Standard Musician
74 pts
Dark Elf Survivors:
3 x Crossbowmen
5 Crossbowmen
2 Spearmen
Corsair Reaver
126 pts
If i had left that swordsmen unit there i probably would have won! Ah well. I still had fun which is the main thing.