
Author Topic: Ostermark Painting Log, The Gryphon Wood Patrol, update 3/10/2013  (Read 84992 times)

Offline Delthos

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Well I'm new here, so I figured I start out with a painting log that I'll keep updated as I progress. I'm working on an Ostermark army, but as I thought the purple looked like burgundy in my army book, they are burgundy and yellow instead of purple and yellow. That's ok with me though as it feels like purple and I like it more than purple. I'll get pictures posted as I progress. My goal is to finish one of the entries on this list a week, although life just keeps interrupting. I having touched anything in about two weeks now, ever since I got appendicitis and had to have it removed. I'm able to sit up in my painting position without any significant irritation of my incision so I'll be able to start painting again. Unfortunately I'll be going on vacation in a week and I likely won't get much finished then.

Right now I have the following completed, in the order listed.

11 Handgunners (6th edition style with two marksmen, one with Hochland and one with Repeater handgun)
1 Great Canon and Crew with scenic base.
35 spearmen with full command (6th edition style)
1 Wizard (Nicodemus from Mordheim)
52 Halberdiers with full command (6th edition style)
1 Mortar and Crew with scenic base
1 plastic Army Standard Bearer
25 Swordsmen with command figs (Vesperro's Vendetta figs)
10 Archers (New plastic)
1 Warrior Priest (Warhammer Quest)
1 Warrior Priest (Not painted by me, custom miniature, Pleasant Surprise from Obi)
1 Engineer (Not painted by me, Empire Merchant, gift from ShadowLord)
10 Knights with command
5 Pistoliers
1 Captain/General (Not painted by me, Mordheim Reikland Captain with pistol, Pleasant Surprise from Der Kaninchenkönig)
1 Wizard (Mordheim Mercenary Warlock)

Currently in progress.

15 Spearmen (6th edition style)

Anyway the following is what I have planned, of course this may change as I play and find I like stuff more than others.

1 Celestial Hurricanium
3 Demi-Griffon Knights
1 Witchhunter
9 Swordsmen (Vesperro's Vendetta)
9 Swordsmen (Vesperro's Vendetta)
1 Steam Tank
1 Arch Lector on War Altar (New Plastic)
5 Greatswords with command (metal)
10 Greatswords (metal)
10 Greatswords (metal)
1 Engineer (metal Privateer Press Khador Widowmaker)
1 Great Cannon and Crew with Scenic Base
10 Crossbowmen
1 General on Griffon (metal)
1 Helblaster and Crew with Scenic Base (old metal)
12 Handgunners (one Marksman with Hochland)
1 Luthor Huss
10 Swordsmen with command (plastic)
10 Swordsmen (plastic)
10 Swordsmen (plastic)
12 Handgunners (one Marksman with Hochland)
1 Wizard (plastic)
13 Archers (old metal Bretonnian Squires on foot)
10 Militia
10 Militia
10 Militia
10 Greatswords with command (plastic)
10 Greatswords (plastic)
1 Mortar and Crew with Scenic Base
10 Flaggelants (plastic)
10 Flaggelants (plastic)
10 Flaggelants (plastic)

For now that's what I have planned, but I have about 150-200 more models, so things may change but this is what I pretty much plan to stick to for now. Although I've been playing a lot lately and my force selection has been changing so this very well may change. As I said when I get a chance to take some pictures I'll get some posted of what I've done so far, and I'll post pictures of what I finish as I progress.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 06:02:14 AM by Delthos »
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Offline Delthos

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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 01:56:58 AM »
Alright, I just remembered I took a quick picture of my canon after I got my new digital camera a couple months ago. This was taken at work on my desk with poor lighting and no tripod and the camera on its factory default settings. Not the greatest, but also not the worst. I'll update with better pictures soon.

Edit: I add this second pic I found. I knew I had more. You can see the burgundy color a bit better and see how it has a purple feel to it. It also shows off the canon a bit more. You can also see that the canon came out looking more like brass or copper. I was shooting for bronze, but I didn't get it silver and green enough. Oh well, it complements the army colors better this way, so I'm not too upset.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 04:54:52 PM by Delthos »
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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2009, 04:06:22 AM »
Well done, especially on the uniforms! (And the powder monkey is also quite awesome.  :-D )
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Offline stareso

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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2009, 06:32:33 AM »
Looking great man! Nice job on the base and uniforms. Post more please! Ah, and what job is that which allows warhammer on the office? Might want to get me one of those..

Offline Delthos

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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2009, 03:53:16 PM »
I'm a system administrator for a large distribution (not gaming) company. We are at work for 9 hours, but we have a 1 hour lunch break. I'm free to do what ever I want on my lunch break. So I try to paint or do something miniature related each day. I take about 10 to 15 minutes to eat my lunch and then have 45 to 50 minutes to work on painting miniatures, exploring the features on a new camera, working on army lists, researching stuff, etc... Until I had my appendix out two weeks ago, it was when I got a majority of my painting done.
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Offline HorusReborn

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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2009, 03:37:16 AM »
Very cool man, for factory settings, you've got a decent pic for sure!  I would love to see more shading done on your cannon and crew for sure!  Well done!!

Offline Delthos

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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2009, 04:40:19 PM »
Other than getting a little closer and a little more in focus with better lighting, you won't see much more shading than what you see there. I didn't do traditional highlighting. I went with the "dip" method on this army. I just don't have the time for traditional highlighting on a whole army the size of the Empire.

That's not completely true though. On command figs, extra front rank models, and war machines I am doing a little extra highlighting to give them a little more pop, before the dip.

I'm not actually dipping them as the method calls for though. I paint the dip on for more control and a better look. All character models will get a full traditional blended highlight paintjob though, they won't get dipped.

They are just primed and get one coat of paint (actually the yellow takes three coats as I thin it down to go on smooth and the burgundy takes two coats) on all the parts, then they get a coat of Minwax Polyshades Antique Walnut stain painted on over everything and then brushed off where I don't want it. Then they are left to dry. Once that dries they get a coat of GW Matte and then the basing is worked on. I know the method is considered heresy to many, but it gets the army done quick enough for me and they look great on the table, where it really counts the most. They won't win any painting contests, but when I only have 4 to 5 hours a week to work on them I gotta make compromises.

Oh yeah, I added another picture I found of the canon. I found these two on one of my USB memory sticks.
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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2009, 07:53:34 PM »
Beautifully painted! I like it very much!  :happy:
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Re: Painting Log
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2009, 03:48:44 AM »
That cannon and crew are looking very good! :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::
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Offline Delthos

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2009, 04:16:02 PM »
Well it's been quite some time since I had a chance to take some new pictures of my painted stuff. So here it is. I'm working on Halberdiers right now and they will be the next to be added here.

These are my unit of 35 spearmen, The Slippery Snakes, with full command. I have to take some more detailed photos of the command and some select rank and file as the first pictures I took were out of focus. I have a small snake model to finish painting which will go on the base of the rank and file trooper standing next to the standard bearer. All my units will have some kind of animal on them as part of my theme.

Here are one of my Handgunner units. They are pictured here with their Marksman with Repeater Handgun. I'm including a detail of both my Marksmen, even though they are out of focus.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 04:41:25 PM by Delthos »
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Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2009, 04:33:42 PM »
Wow! Nice purple.
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If I wanted to.

Offline Delthos

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2009, 04:34:45 PM »
As the first time I tried posting with all my pictures, it seemed to loose everything, I'm breaking this into two posts.

Here is my Battle Wizard/Wizard Lord, Freidrik Lichtermann. My favorite part of him is his staff. Before the gloss coat and dull coat finish it didn't pop and didn't have much variation. But now it looks like an old piece of driftwood like I intended!

Here are some better updated pics of my Great Cannon, Old George, and his crew. I've also included a close up of the powder monkey, my personal favorite part of the unit!

« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 04:47:39 PM by Delthos »
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Re: Ostermark Painting Log
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2009, 04:36:22 PM »
Wow! Nice purple.

It's actually not purple! It's burgundy, which is really dark red/purplish color. As I said once earlier, in my army book the Ostermark "purple" looked like this so thats what I went with. I like it more than the official purple.
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Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2009, 04:39:42 PM »
Well, whatever. Anyway, it's a really nice colour!

That's a fantastic army so far.
Hey, I could still beat up a woman!
If I wanted to.

Offline Castozor

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2009, 05:36:53 PM »
I agree with the above: your army is fantastic. I really like the wizard and the Spearman. And the Burgundy is really a nice colour.

I hope too see more of your army soon.


Offline katzbalger

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2009, 08:15:57 PM »
Truly beautiful stuff! I'm about to start a new Empire army, and can't decide whether to go for Ostland (which is where my love affair with the Empire started so very many years ago), or the Ostermark. I too prefer the burgundy to the purple and if I could find/mix a decent burgundy paint (i.e., like yours) I think that would make my decision for me. Where did you get it/how did you mix it?
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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2009, 08:25:34 PM »
That wizard reminded me of what is so great about fantasy worlds :happy:

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2009, 09:51:13 PM »
Well the colour scheme looks more like Talabecland to me but the painting is great! Superb cannon ( Ah! that woodgrain )
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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2009, 11:11:09 PM »
If you want to make you cannon look bronzey, you may want to try Valleho's Verdegris paint.  It's not exactly a normal paint (you may want to do some research on how to apply it), but it gives a very realistic greening effect on bronze minis.

The paintjob on the wizard is superb. In particular, I like the way the robe was done. The minature itself is also quite beautifully sculpted. 

I have to say I'm not a fan of burgundy as a color, but you've made it work well enough.  It could be reasonably argued that they went with a cheaper dye than the emperoror rates, or that the purple has gotten muddied down after several washings and being constantly subjected to field grime.

I've been thingking about Ostermark as well but I may go with purple and white instead or purple and yellow.
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Offline Delthos

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2009, 04:48:34 AM »
The burgundy color is Vallejo Model Color Burnt Cadmium Red. The yellow is Vallejo Game Color Sunburst Yellow. I then used Minwax Polyshades Antique Walnut washed over the models and brushed off the extra from areas I didn't want it so heavy, also known as the "dip". No traditional painted highlighting, except front rank and command figs got a little extra highlighting and detailing before the "dip".The result is a dark red/burgundy color that has the feel of a purple. I wanted to go with a color scheme that wasn't used a lot and I think I've achieved that.

Freidrik, my wizard, got a traditional paint job with blended highlights. No drybrushed highlights and not even a wash, except for the beard. I started out with too white of a gray for the beard so I darkened it up a little and washed that onto it to give the recessed areas some shading and then highlighted it up from there.

The cannon's color has also grown on me as I've gotten more of my army painted. It's color fits with the army. I originally wanted that greenish, silverish, copper color of fresh bronze, but that's not gonna happen for my other cannon. My mortars will actually be a dark silver color of cast iron.

Ultimately I don't have a problem with the purple not being totally purple, as I said when I decided to start an Empire army I started looking through different web sites and the army book to find some inspiration. After lots of looking I settled on the Ostermark. It wasn't until after I found this website and got the Heraldry book that I found out the colors were actually purple, yellow, and white and not burgundy and yellow.

Anyway, I have some halberdiers in the pipe, and then my army standard bearer, followed by one of my mortars and crew, and then some swordsmen, I think! I'll have to look at my list on the first post of the thread.
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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2009, 05:22:01 AM »
Really nice painting, it's not very often that a dipped army looks really good, but yours is one of them.

The key to a high quality finish definitely seems to be taking care when applying the dip, brushing it on like you do instead of just dunking the model in.

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2009, 06:04:00 AM »
That and picking a color of "dip" that complements the color scheme of your army. Too many people go with Minwax Polyshades Tudor for everything they do. Tudor is a very dark brown, almost black, and it doesn't work for everything. Any color of dip also doesn't work as well on cold colors like blues and greens. Stick to reds, oranges, yellows, and browns and you can't go wrong!

I had some severe reservations about trying it as I had seen some really crappy results online. It wasn't until I read some good articles on it, when the user did it well that I changed my mind. Once I saw these articles, all of my reservations were gone. Now if I were going with an army with more blues and greens I'd probably not do it as I've seen them done with it and it doesn't look as good. To tell the honest truth, I was shocked at just how good my army looks for it being the dip.
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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2009, 07:12:18 PM »
Congratz on picking the coolest province of the empire  :biggriin:
Serios; My own ostermarkers have a more purple colour scheme; but I like yours.
over all good painting.
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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics)
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2010, 06:48:31 AM »
It's been a while since I made any updates on my painting log here, so I figured I'd update with a work in progress shot of my Army BSB. He's about 70% complete. Things left to finish, the wings and hammer on the standard, the eye patch, the mace, the skull on the armor and the armor. Then some little touch-ups. I may bring up the highlights on the robes of the standard as well. I haven't decided. I'm also thinking of putting some latin on the banner "De mortuis nil nisi bonum", which means "Speak no ill of the dead." I'm not yet sure if I'm going to or not, but I think it is appropriate considering what the standard is. I've got some other stuff finished (mortar and halberdiers), but I don't have time right now to get updated photos. I'm going out of town next week so it'll be sometime after I get back. I hope to have this guy finished before I leave on Saturday, but I intend to bring it and my first five Swordsmen with me to work on when I get a chance.

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Re: Ostermark Painting Log (Pic Heavy with big pics) Updated 1/14/2010
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2010, 01:00:03 PM »
Nice, clean painting! Especially on the wizard. I envy you people with steady hands...