Hello again everyone!
Other than the Knights, i've cleaned everything empire i have atm. am going to see if i can find something to test schemes on on the weekend so i don't use troops that i need.

That is:
Warrior Priest
Captain Battle Standard Bearer
10 Spearmen
5 Swordsmen
5 Halberdiers
10 Greatswords
10 Handgunners
10 Handgunners
I'm thinking about getting the limited edition army box thing that they released for warhammers 25th anniversary.
Feanor Fire Heart, Cheers mate!
Don't do that though, theres enough of them already . . .

Steveb, Convert them to empire? Eh what what???
Thanks Zak, I am kinda a neat freak when it comes to painting which is why it takes me forever to do anything.
Merrick, the BSB took me aaaages. 30hrs ish?
Originally the blood on the icon was Bestial Brown then chestnut inked heavily. Back when it was still brown it looked exactly like toffee. One of my friends was trying to get me to an army dedicated to the "Lord of Tooth Decay"
Stareso, A good pic makes all the difference. I have yet to learn how to take a half decent one of a regiment though. Single models are easy.
Union General, I haven't given up completely. Just want to make sure i know what i'm getting myself in to so a lot will depend on how quick they all are to do. I don't know what i'll do otherwise. I've been thinking about a dull green and khaki 1/4'd maybe? Maybe turquois ( sp? ) for something different?
Volt 2187, i'm not very good at painting weathering / chipping etc unfortunately

Delthos, maybe the khorne warriors have OCD?
The Real Rick Salamone, here is a tutorial i did on ammobunker:
http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Ammobunker/topic/7141122/1/#newI have loads of random pics if anyone wants to see them