Yes, my fellow Stirlanders, the Grand Mustering of Wulfsfurt has now taken place. Six months after my rise to general and commander of our forces, I can finally see some structure here.
To make a long story short, I will simply list the troops we have right now.
1 Halberd company
1 Swordsmen company (River patrol)
1 Spearman company
1 Handgunners attachment
8 knights (I sent word around the Empire to every knight I know who has family ties to our region. So far, these eigth men have come and we will build a great new order!)
1 Archer detachment
1 Great cannon
1 Volley Gun
Then there is that band of flagellants in the forest.. I wonder if they will fight for us???
I have not gained control of any militia yet, but I know there are lots of able fighters, particularly in the forest and in Remershof, our little mining district just north of Wolfsfurt. My officers will travel around and try to get them in rank, too.
Also, there is a little hobbit settlement in the forest...didn´t know about them until just recently. At first, I just wanted to send them back to the Moot, but after some debate they agreed to pay taxes and provide archers to my army. Not that I have any idea how to use hobbits in a real army. I must have been drunk.