Thanks for every comment!
To Von Breden: Yeah, its really Hypnotize shirt, really surprised you recognized it.

To Albrecht von Hinkel: I dont t so much. Even now I have some ideas how to make it better, and it is only part whitch is not glued, so maybe I could make a new one later if I find some good looking piece of plastic. War altar is one choice what to make of the eagle, i think replacing golden griffon with golden eagle should not be problem

or I will make some statue to be used as battlefield terrain or if i get some idea on some "things with wings" a could take part in conversion contest

To Obi and Fog Of Waagh: I know that a shiny and clean brand new tank looks wierd on a battlefield, but I am a little scared to cover it with some mug, rust and scars. Im planning to do some touch ups during basing it to make the perfect battle atmosphere!

Now when I see what I used to make it, it worth less then maybe 5 euros! 1 helmet for 2E (I regret a didnt buy more of them

2 pens I got somewhere, little piece of wood for chassis, a plastic can for boiler, 1 cork for wheels, piece of plastics, some empire bitz and of course some paints...but I cant forgot a few hour of work

So, finally I can show you my work glued together:

Here it is compered with one of handgunners to see the scale:

After making some details. Some part of steam engine added. And of course some protective prayer of Sigmar

From other side. I added a ladder. I dont like it so much, but when only way to get in is by the turret, it is necessary. And little cross on the turret for every battle it came through.

Now I just have to do two things:
-sculpt a engineer
-make a base
... and some final touch ups. I hope I can make it till next week when my school stars again