Hmmm, I can't say that your models are excellent, but neither can I say that they are terrible, as they are at least painted, which is more than I can say for 85% of my existing WIP Empire army. Now, are these models that you have stripped the paint from and then painted, or are these "new" models that you undercoated and then painted?
As a suggestion, if you could take some photos from a distance, showing us the whole model at perhaps 150% - 200% life size rather than full up mug shots, then we might get a better idea as to the overall appearance of the model instead of the intricate detail of their standard or chin stubble.
From what I have seen, your approach to metal seems to be working, as I get the feel that your soldiers are wearing used yet well oiled armour. However, it looks to me that you are using paint that is either far too thinned or not thinned enough, as the details are either too revealing or are covered in too much paint to be of any real help to the model. Try thinning your paints, I have found that a 1:1 water to paint works well, but like all things, it probably varies with the artists.
Additionally, work on highlighting, as your capes and robes are just flat colours with no depth or movement to seen whatsoever. However, I do understand that these are (probably) among the first models that you have painted, and I remember when I first applied brush to model. My 5th edition Dwarf Warriors looked like pictures of clowns where the children forgot to stay between the lines. But you will get better, mark my words. Keep it up, and your models will, not should, will rank among the best ones on this site. Hope this all helped.
- T.C.H. Thortron