After seeing Wissenlander's army in the American Bash's battle report, I was saddened to see them unpainted.
I adressed Wiss about it, and he explained that painting was not his favourite part of the hobby.
Since I appreciate all the things he does here, I, in a generous mood, offered to paint a maximum of 10 soldiers for him.
He took me up on my offer, stating that he wanted me to do a complete unit, so that he wouldn't have to copy my style. Fortunately, he didn't pick knights. I should have said US 10, really

He sent his guys over, and I painted them, using the colours of Wissenland and Brennenburg. So now, at least he has a general (By Zandur of Bronte) and one unit (by me) painted.
By the way, I, for the first time ever, used a grey basecoat on these guys.. saved half the painting...

This is the photo I sent to Wissenlander after painting the first two guys.. so he could alter anything he liked. He didn't change a thing...