
Author Topic: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy). Updated 4/11.  (Read 15641 times)

Offline Alkor

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Hi all, as you can see by my post count I am quite new on these forums. Anyway Ive been into warhammer for 7 years, where 6 Ive been collecting Empire, however Ive kind of been slumbering these past 3 years and watched the hobby from a distance so not much progress. Looking at all your work has given me inspiration though, and I am going to start painting new units again as well as repainting my older crappy looking units to an ok level. Anyway I am not a very good painter and Im a lazy one to boot, and I cant sculp for (pip). So this log is more of a whip for my own use, hopefully starting a log here will make me paint a bit more often. I will post my completely finished units here, my redone ones as they get finished, and offourse my new ones here. I have also decided to reflock all my old units to having the flock you will see in the next picture instead of the big rocks i currently have (and this will take time).
Anyway here we go:
EDIT: And heres the pictures,  :icon_razz:, took a while before I got the chance to post them, sorry for the poor quality and for the massive amount. Since I have so many pics I will only post a few of them direct and rather add links to different angles and closeups instead of posting them direct, this because if not I will occupy 3 pages or something  :happy:.

My Ulric warrior priest, one of the few models I am proud of, shame we cant use them anymore though.


Valten, champion of Sigmar, probably the best looking model Ive painted except for steam tank, altough that isnt saying much as I can clearly see that I am ranking far below many of the other painters on this forum.


My battle wizard, one of my first models:


Also one of my first models, the BSB, I am going to paint a new one with new general set.


EDIT: Luthor Huss has been removed and reposted later in the thread due to redoing.

My 14 free company, and their Hafling drummer. (Going to reflock).


My only female model, another of my first models. I used to use her as a fire wizard.


My pride and joy the Conqueror Steam Tank!, I have ordered a couple of chariot bases, so that I can base it. Notice the name tags on the tank, (Jøllabenheim, Jølle is my nickname, meaning Odie, so this means Odienheim, also my name Jørn Andreas and Conqueror). I shouldnt have all the credit for this model though, since a friend of mine put it together (he had to use alot of greenstuff, and Im not good at it so), and did some of the painting on it, he also came up with the names and added them to it, (altough its paper added though which you can clearly see). Anyway here it is and a  few closeups and different angles.


My only Greatswords completed so far, having been painted over the course of 3 years  :Ohmy:. However my greatswords are one of the first units I am going to paint.

My Engineer, one of the few models Im really proud of.


My archers, I have ordered a couple fo the old Bretonnian skirmishers (cant remember name), and a couple of classic empire archers to make the unit 10 men strong. These are also going to be reflocked.

And Finally my Warhammer cabinet, where I keep everything Ive painted. Altough my bretonian knights my High elves and my goblins whom where the first models I painted and owned has been sold long ago, but except for them this is everything Ive painted, except for the archers which I believe is beeing photographed at this point. Anyway it gives you an idea of how lazy ive been over the years).

I have some more models which i havent posted, Knights, mortar, hellblaster, cannon, Swordsmen, Spearmen, and flagelants, however since all these are either going to be reflocked, repainted, or arent finished, I will post them as they get finished. Hopefully I will start painting for real now. However untill ive repainted/reflocked those units, I dont see myself painting more than 3-4 models a week. Sorry for my longwindedness, and for all the pictures, but since I had finally found a camera which I actually could take photos of my models with, I kind of went berserk hehe.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 01:21:23 PM by Alkor »

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2007, 03:03:05 PM »
WOAH! From the moment I made the thread without pictures, untill I had taken the photos and posted them I got 50 views :ph34r:, had I know that I would have written a message saying pictures will be added later today. Anyway just posted to kind of letting you know pictures have been added.

Offline Erich von Strommer

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2007, 03:44:55 PM »
Really nice looking Models, especially like the Ulric priest and The Damsel, wish i had somewhere to put my models instead of a couple of shoeboxes and a TV box.  :smile2:
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Offline glare

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2007, 04:16:23 PM »
There are some good looking models there. And I allways like pictures of other people's (complete) (and painted) army's. Especially when pretty much the best looking colour scheme out there has been used  :icon_wink:
Please keep it updated!  :-)

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2007, 06:40:38 PM »
Thanks for the positive replies  :biggriin:. I will update as soon as I finish something new or finish refreshing something  :smile2:.
Btw, the smilies on this forum own :Ohmy:!!!.

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2007, 02:35:03 PM »
Reflocked and basically painted all the colours on the cannon crew twice, because the colours were really bad (only a single layer I think). Anyway here is my Great Cannon and its crew.

Will probably not be able to paint anything this weekend because I have a bunch of homework. However I may be able to refresh the mortar crew as they require alomost no work.

Offline Erich von Strommer

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2007, 03:32:47 PM »
Looking Good! Your very good at painting eyes i see.  :icon_cool:
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Offline Veldemere

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2007, 09:50:18 PM »
I am so glad that you mentioned the bases as they really let the models down, but other than that they are good.
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Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2007, 08:55:02 AM »
Thanks for the compliment  :happy:, and yeah painting eyes is one of the very few things I am good at when it comes to painting  :icon_razz:.

Veldemere: What you wrote kind of confused me.  Are you saying that the reflocked bases of the cannon crew lets them down or did you mean the kind of flock which forexample my archers have would have let them down?? Or both  :icon_razz:?

Anyway thx for your replies, will update as soon as possible

Offline Sigmork

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2007, 10:00:43 AM »
Nice army :happy:

A little tip on the eyes to make them a little better would be to use a more ivory/cream colour instead of pure white, as this makes them look more natural.
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Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2007, 10:50:51 AM »
Thanks  :happy:.
Yeah I would have to agree with you on that one, it would probably look more natural, what colour would you suggest using? Will try it out on my next new mini.

EDIT: Pictures of flagelants has been removed because they dont have that flock anymore they have a new one and they look much better now because of it, also done a few touch ups (you probably wont see any difference though). Anyway those new pictures are further down this page.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 08:22:47 PM by Alkor »

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. Updated daily!
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2007, 01:40:37 PM »
Dont see myself painting something new today, as I have a hangover from last nights "russedåp", so only reflocking and repainting today. So far today Ive reflocked and done a few touch ups on my warrior priest, whom I painted around the time I painted my first flagelants (5 years ago), anyway here he is. PS: the text beneath has nothing to do with warhammer, this forum thread or subject, its just an explanation what "russ" and russedåp is, for those interested.

It meansmeans russe bapticing, in Norway every person going to college is a "russ" in their last year at college, and we sometimes dress up in special russe clothes, its a kind of a graduation party which goes on for a year  :icon_razz:, we drink more this year, we do lots of sick, silly and cool stuff, and it all peaks around 17th of may which is Norways independence day, and this "russedåp", is basically a big party with all the people who are "russ", getting drunk and silly and beeing bapticed by a russepriest, the name i got was Sprengfylla, which cant be dircectly translated but it means getting very drunk, I got the name because I get very drunk and I drink so fast that Im basically drunk before everyone else). So there you got some info which has nothing at all with this forum, thread or subject.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 05:08:28 PM by Alkor »

Offline Sigmork

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log.
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2007, 01:41:07 PM »
Yeah I would have to agree with you on that one, it would probably look more natural, what colour would you suggest using? Will try it out on my next new mini.

Maybe a mix of skull white and bleached bone, someone else could probably answer better than me
Quote from: PhillyT
Sigmork, your chi is weak!

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2007, 12:39:49 AM »
I will experiment with it Sigmork, thx for the tip  :smile2:.

I managed to reflock and repaint my mortar crew this evening/night, and as usual it takes time, these guys actually looked rather ok alredy but as it is with almost all my older modesl who hasnt been redone, some or almost all the paint on the minis havent been fully painted, by that I mean to few layers. Anyway here is my mortar and its crew.

Oh and by the way, has any of you got any tips on how to effectively remove flock? currently Im using a brush with no hair or a small screw driver to force it off, but it takes some time doing and its dangerous, (not for me, but for the models), if Im not to careful, so any tip on this would be greatly appreciated. Also feel free to post suggestions/advice/tips concerning my army/painting, and I dont mind criticism, quoting Jack Black "Ive got the stones", neither do I mind compliments, if you think I deserve it that is  :icon_razz:. All sorts of replies are warmly welcome, oh and I wouldnt mind som picture taking tips either, as I am quite bad at doing it.

Offline Sigmork

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2007, 06:08:42 PM »
The only way I can think of to remove flock is to use a craft knife and hope you've got rubbish glue that peels off really easily in one piece. 
Quote from: PhillyT
Sigmork, your chi is weak!

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2007, 10:23:57 PM »
The only way I can think of to remove flock is to use a craft knife and hope you've got rubbish glue that peels off really easily in one piece. 

Too bad I used to use way to much glue when flocking   :icon_sad:, anyway the method I am using is basically the same, I just need to scrape off any excess glue afterwards, what I can scrape that is  :icon_razz:.

Anyway heres an update, Ive reflocked a wizard I got, he hast got as much attention as my other wizard, but he is ok I guess. Also reflocked and repainted my hellblaster crew, just doing what Ive done so far painting more layers to make the colours clear and not so you can see trough the paint/yellowish white and so on. ( I managed to mess the white shirt guys face up a little though, but nothing serious. Also took a couple of pics of all my artillery + engineer.

Offline brother ducat

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2007, 10:59:13 PM »
A tip for removing the old flock from the bases - Take a deep saucer/plate. Put some warm water in it(enough to cover the base of a model in depth). Stand figure in it for 10 minutes. Remove old flock.

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 11:04:35 PM »
Ok thanks alot :happy:, Ill try that, hopefully it will prove much more easier, and save me alot of time.

Offline skinkslayer

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2007, 11:24:21 PM »
They're really cool Flaggellants Alkor! :-o

I really like the tiger stripe dirt on them!

Also what varnish did you use for your army and is the wizard made out of the new kit?

Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2007, 12:39:33 AM »
They're really cool Flaggellants Alkor! :-o

I really like the tiger stripe dirt on them!

Also what varnish did you use for your army and is the wizard made out of the new kit?

Thanks  :happy:!. Yeah they and my milita are my favourite units so far.

Ive just used ordinary GW varnish, Ive stopped using it now though, only use it on minis whose unit already have it, will forexample varnish the rest of my flaggies, the reason why is beacuse I think it makes the models a bit to shiny. Thanks again, Ill probably start painting the rest of them this week as well as reflocking my finished ones.
As for the wizard, nah he is just the 6th edition grey wizard, altough my painting skills back then were lacking so he isnt very grey  :icon_smile:.

EDIT: Or did you mean the second wizard? If so then I am not sure if you can get them anymore or where to get them, but he was part of a set with 8 plastic wizards a friend of mine bought for me, was from GW. It contained a sort of Necromancer/chaos sorcerer, a dark elf wizard, and the rest of them were Human wizards. I still got the empire wizards, just havent gotten around painting them yet. The 5 others were wizards from lore of Beasts, Fire, Life, Light and a guy reading from a scroll. I am sure someone else could tell you where they come from in more detail than me, I think Ive seen some of them here on the forum, one of the middenheim army threads I think.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 01:26:20 AM by Alkor »

Offline Soju

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2007, 03:57:58 AM »
I like your artillery hill/base thing... that's kool. I want to make one for my... how many cannons I have at the moment!? (honestly I don't know lol).


Offline warhammerlord_soth

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2007, 12:09:16 PM »
Nice painting and clearly you put effort in your army.

However with a few simple techniques you could make them even better. In your case I'd say ink washes are the easiest way to improve your results spectacularly. PM me if you want info, disregard this post if you think I should mind my own business.... It's just that your comment on my army made me look at yours and think : this doesn't look like  :eusa_sick: at all, it just needs that little extra...
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
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Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2007, 03:00:21 PM »
Thanks  Soju and Warhammerlord_soth

Brother Ducat: I did what you suggested and it worked like a charm, the flock came straight off no problems, altough I should probably make it 15-20 mins next time I think, so jsut wanted to thank you  :smile2:.

Soju: Its just a hill I have in the cabinet for my artillery to be on display. Its not something Ive made myself,  got it from a gaming club in the next town, think they are made by a Norwegian company called Midgard (middle-earth) Games or something.

Warhammerlord_soth: Thanks for the compliment  :happy:, and yes I use quite alot of time painting my minis not because I make them really good or anything because I dontas you can see, but I am a slow painter and also I tend to miss alot (altough Ive improved on that). And I take your word for it when you say that with inks and washes I could probably make them look better, and I would to. Its just that I got little to no experience using inks/washes, and so I will gladly accept your info (will pm you as well). And no I dont think you should go mind mind your own buisness, noy to say you cant mind your own buisnees as well though  :icon_razz:. I will gladly take any advice/tips I am offered. But you would probably agree with me on some of my army doesnt look to good, if you had seen pictures of them (handgunners and spearmen in particular but also my swordsmen).

Anyway thanks for your replies guys  :happy:.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 08:23:48 PM by Alkor »

Offline warhammerlord_soth

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2007, 04:50:50 PM »
Flesh wash would be a good start. Buy the appropiate ink, water it down, apply it to the flesh parts of your model, slightly drybrush with paler flesh colour, done..

Any earthen tones can be improved by washing with dark brown or black. I'll make a tutorial on it in my own blog with the next figures I paint. Will be easier than describing the whole process.
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
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Offline Alkor

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Re: Refreshing and expanding my Talabheim army, log. (picture heavy).
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2007, 05:47:46 PM »
Ok Thanks, I wont do ant thing about it before I see that tutorial of yours  :icon_razz:, both because Im not sure how to do it, and it will probably look better if I see a tutorial, besides I dont have any of those inks anyway. Also I didnt understand what you meant about earthen tones, (I am not a native speaker, so on occasion I dont fully understand certain things).

Looking forward to your tutorial  :smile2:.

Ok so my flagelants has been reflocked and did very few touch ups, took a while though because with the flock some paint went with the glue, so had to repaint all their feet, so basically ive been a foot specialist cleaning feet on some dirty Flaggies this evening  :icon_razz:.

Painting scheduel the next 2 weeks:
PS: Might not be able to do everything in the list because of school and stuff, but will give it a go.
Tuesday 30th: Reflock/touch ups on my archers.
Rest of week: Try repainting and reflock my knights, also reflock my mounted WP.
Time ? paint 3 flaggies.
Reflock/touch ups on my Milita.
And then I shall start painting some new stuff, probably outriders/ or Pistoliers depending what I want to have, then some characters and after that I dont know as it will be in a few weeks.

Heres the flaggies:
Just to show old flock:

New flock and pictures:

Also took some pictures from behind this time:
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 09:47:16 PM by Alkor »