Hi all, as you can see by my post count I am quite new on these forums. Anyway Ive been into warhammer for 7 years, where 6 Ive been collecting Empire, however Ive kind of been slumbering these past 3 years and watched the hobby from a distance so not much progress. Looking at all your work has given me inspiration though, and I am going to start painting new units again as well as repainting my older crappy looking units to an ok level. Anyway I am not a very good painter and Im a lazy one to boot, and I cant sculp for (pip). So this log is more of a whip for my own use, hopefully starting a log here will make me paint a bit more often. I will post my completely finished units here, my redone ones as they get finished, and offourse my new ones here. I have also decided to reflock all my old units to having the flock you will see in the next picture instead of the big rocks i currently have (and this will take time).
Anyway here we go:
EDIT: And heres the pictures,

, took a while before I got the chance to post them, sorry for the poor quality and for the massive amount. Since I have so many pics I will only post a few of them direct and rather add links to different angles and closeups instead of posting them direct, this because if not I will occupy 3 pages or something

My Ulric warrior priest, one of the few models I am proud of, shame we cant use them anymore though.

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0517.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0520.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0521.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0523.jpgValten, champion of Sigmar, probably the best looking model Ive painted except for steam tank, altough that isnt saying much as I can clearly see that I am ranking far below many of the other painters on this forum.
http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0527.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0528.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0529.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0530.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0531.jpgMy battle wizard, one of my first models:

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0534.jpgAlso one of my first models, the BSB, I am going to paint a new one with new general set.
http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0537.jpgEDIT: Luthor Huss has been removed and reposted later in the thread due to redoing.
My 14 free company, and their Hafling drummer. (Going to reflock).

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0548.jpgMy only female model, another of my first models. I used to use her as a fire wizard.
http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0553.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0554.jpgMy pride and joy the Conqueror Steam Tank!, I have ordered a couple of chariot bases, so that I can base it. Notice the name tags on the tank, (Jøllabenheim, Jølle is my nickname, meaning Odie, so this means Odienheim, also my name Jørn Andreas and Conqueror). I shouldnt have all the credit for this model though, since a friend of mine put it together (he had to use alot of greenstuff, and Im not good at it so), and did some of the painting on it, he also came up with the names and added them to it, (altough its paper added though which you can clearly see). Anyway here it is and a few closeups and different angles.

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0564.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0556.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0563.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0565.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0566.jpghttp://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0567.jpgMy only Greatswords completed so far, having been painted over the course of 3 years

. However my greatswords are one of the first units I am going to paint.

My Engineer, one of the few models Im really proud of.

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc230/Odieman/IMG_0574.jpgMy archers, I have ordered a couple fo the old Bretonnian skirmishers (cant remember name), and a couple of classic empire archers to make the unit 10 men strong. These are also going to be reflocked.

And Finally my Warhammer cabinet, where I keep everything Ive painted. Altough my bretonian knights my High elves and my goblins whom where the first models I painted and owned has been sold long ago, but except for them this is everything Ive painted, except for the archers which I believe is beeing photographed at this point. Anyway it gives you an idea of how lazy ive been over the years).

I have some more models which i havent posted, Knights, mortar, hellblaster, cannon, Swordsmen, Spearmen, and flagelants, however since all these are either going to be reflocked, repainted, or arent finished, I will post them as they get finished. Hopefully I will start painting for real now. However untill ive repainted/reflocked those units, I dont see myself painting more than 3-4 models a week. Sorry for my longwindedness, and for all the pictures, but since I had finally found a camera which I actually could take photos of my models with, I kind of went berserk hehe.