
Author Topic: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.  (Read 8200 times)

Offline MrAnderssen

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Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« on: August 10, 2007, 06:39:52 AM »
Ok everyone paticipating in the Tale of Imperial Painters-
- here is the first fortnight's thread for entries. True the deadline is Sunday the 12th. But I think it is best we start the thread at the start of the weekend to cater for those in situations that make it hard to post on sunday. It will be opun all week, but I encourage you to post early on.
Please post in this way.

5x halberdiers =5

It is as simple as that. You can put them all in the one photo or throughout several

« Last Edit: August 10, 2007, 07:47:46 AM by MrAnderssen »

Offline MrAnderssen

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 07:46:46 AM »
Hmm. Looks like I am first up.
Hearshal Von Jeager, Leader of The Stir River Patrol.( read about him in my story)

Captain Eric Feiglar, Second in command (also in my story)



Offline Vivendi

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 12:06:31 PM »
Every army needs knights, that was also the thought of Vivendi Novogord(pictures will follow). The captain of the Wacken Company. A mercenary army payed by the college of the Amythesist Wizards(pictures will follow). So every young noble who's family can't pay the money to join with an Knightly Order, join this company to earn money for living.

5*Mounted Figures =  SML
We worden geboren om te leven en leven om te sterven.

Offline Preceptor

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2007, 02:38:27 PM »
A staple of the Standing Army of Skjaldberg, the Swordsmen are said to have a penchant for flash and flair, and often eschew more thankless labors in the name of obtaining glory and fame.  That being said, however, the Swordsmen have unshakably stood time and again in defense of Skjaldberg, and their skills with sword and sheild are a force to be reckoned with.

Offline machine-child

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The 5 halberdier detachment is there for 2 reasons.  Fanatic bait, and I had no where else to spend the points.

Offline Brunger

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 07:13:31 PM »
The provisional army of Mootland saw it's birth In these dark times out of necessity, as opposed to the dreams of conquest more common to larger folk. Although relatively a small force, the increasing number of orc and goblin invasions, on an almost seasonal basis, have found the Elders in a situation that gave them no other option than to relieve pressure on it's allies currently garrisoned in Mootland by raising a veteran fighting company from the provincial heartland to deal with the immediate threats...
...too be continued next fortnight...

So the pictures of the models I'm painting for this "tale of imperial painters" are models I'm using to expand my current fighting force. I might post a bunch of pictures of my already finished force later on, depending on if I feel like it or not. And if anyone is wondering I am using the Empire list for my army as Mootland is an official province of the Empire...

My first hot pot (using rules for mortar)

a couple of Halberd wielding Halflings and a swordsman. I'll be adding shields and basing later on

2 "assistants" to my warrior priest, 'Archaon, Lord of the good times' (pictures of him next fortnight). If I wanted to, I could use them as warrior priests on their own or have them as the beginning of a drunken halfling flagellant unit  :biggriin:. but for right now I'm going to using them as a couple of swordsmen and just deploy them in the same unit as my warrior priest.

So that is:
mortar = 5
2 Halberdiers = 2
3 Swordsmen = 3

= 10 models

Offline Dantanium

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2007, 02:54:18 PM »
The Army of Victor Hession, Prince of Stirland. Bit late here due to moving into a new house and the damned internet not working till just now.

'Victor was the son of a noble lord who fought for his king on many fields of battle, he sired three sons Victor being the last, his mother dying in child birth. A sikly child unable to draw bow or sword Victor fell to menial tasks around the lands of the Hession family, reduced to the level of tax collector. During the storm of Chaos and Archeons invasion the grand army of Stirland set out with brave warriors of the moot to aid the sticken empire, Victor was left at home to tend to the families matters as father and both brothers left for glory'

I will continue the story of Victor Hession through more posts during this thread. The Stirland army to me means poor and well, not very well put together and this is how i envisage my army. I would love any ideas anyone has to make it more rustic or down right poverty stricken. My great canon for example has only one wheel, the other is piled up with baggage to hold the canon itself   :icon_cool:

Offline Shadowlord

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2007, 11:49:03 PM »
Baron von Reisig had long been with good terms with the Engineer's Guild, and when he first went north to face the hordes of darkness, they sent a few squadrons of their Outriders to protect the warmachines of the Empire. The baron have yet to see their full potential, but to date, the Outriders have performed very well and there is more than one artillerist who owes his life to these fast horsemen.


As usual, my army standard (nothing fancy).
My hood is my castle...

Offline Xlam

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2007, 08:20:12 PM »
Of course I know I'm late. The two warrior priests are not completed - things to do: bases, further highlighting etc. but I thought that what I needed was to start posting and get myself to finally finish the army.


The story behind the army was developed during a lenghty RPG/battle campaign that I played with my friends with borrowed/unpainted minis.

To make a long story short:
The Von Waldheims were a powerful clan, whose influences reached far beyond their home city of Altdorf. With family members ranked high in the Imperial army and magic colleges, the future looked bright for the von Waldheims. Victor von Waldheim was one of the most successful and promising youngsters in the clan - with the military achievements surpassing those of older and more experienced leaders. He fought the greenskins and beastmen in the dark forests of the Empire and his name was mentioned with a blessing whenever peasants heard that his battalion was coming to relieve them of their nightmare foes. He married Maria, his childhood sweetheart and had a baby girl.  Save for his perilous line of duty his prospects looked bright and his life was one of happiness.
That continued until it was decided that Maria and Ilsa, their daughter, will join a family delegation on their way to Kislev where a small clan gathering was to be held. The delegation left Altdorf accompanied by a powerful escort of veteran soldiers. That however turned out not to be enough to repel an attack. When the site was later examined by Imperial officials they decided that it must have been an unusually numerous and powerful group of the Undead that were responsible for the slaughter. There was no one to be found that could tell the tale - soldiers and servants were slain and Maria, Ilsa and some other family members were missing.
When the horrid information reached Victor, he jumped on his horse and galloped to the site with his faithful comanions following his trail. When he reached the spot two days later and saw what remained of the convoy, he dropped to his knees and weeped. His life lost its meaning and he felt that there was no reason for him to take another breath.
The news spread fast. The von Waldheims gathered to decide what to do next and determine whether it was possible to rescue the captives. A host of veteran warriors was mustered and with support of other families and the Emperor himself they set out for a  search and rescue mission. Victor, who in the meantime turned into a white-haired, stone-hearted desperate was leading the army. He had no mercy for anyone standing in his way. His agents were looking for clues while his regiments dropped all oposition to their knees. He wandered to the depths of the Dark Forest and fought battles against chaos cultists, beastman and greenskins. His expedition to Sylvania became a legend even in the distant lands of Bretonnia and Tilea. He was asking questions and his sword flashed whenever there was no answer.
With ongoing support from the clan and the most powerful families in the country the small army grew stronger. Some sent their troops because they pitied the von Waldheims but most thought that it was in the Empire's best interest to have a determined warrior leading an army against the sworn enemies of the Emperor and the world of light.
They soon became known as Von Waldheim's Mourners for everyone believed that all Victor could achieve was shed tears over his lost family and hopefully avenge their deaths. They didn't know that Victor's mission began to bear fruit and information was being gathered. There was still hope...

The warrior priests are Ludwig Simmhoff and Albert Holz. The Sigmarites proved their worth on the battlefield as well as when it came to soothing the souls of their camrades weary with fighting.

Offline thabear00

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2007, 08:15:26 AM »
Some of my work (still trying to work out how to bluddy focus!!!!) :

" Steel is not important , flesh is stronger , what is steel compared to the hand that weilds it ? " Thulsa Doom

Offline Soju

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 1.
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2007, 11:16:27 AM »
Cool! Old minis!

Oh, and cameras are easy to get used to... you just gotta keep taking pictures with it. (Oh, and remember to set it to Macro mode for taking photos for things up close like tabletop minis).
