
Author Topic: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!  (Read 3241 times)

Offline Nog64

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Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« on: June 11, 2007, 01:00:43 AM »
So, as registration day looms upon us, I am going to try and get my army lists as fit as possible for the big campaign. I went to the bizaar and bought some models, etc. Now, W-E, let me know of any changes I should make to these lists. I plan on mainly doing 500, 1000, and 1250 point games, so I'm just posting all the lists. So have at it :happy:!

500 points
Warrior Priest, Great Weapon+AoMI-119 pts.
9 Greatswords-90 pts.
2x8 Handgunners-64 pts. each/128 pts.
2x10 Swordsmen-60pts. each/120 pts.

457 points
*I need to figure out how to use the extra points here

1000 points
Warrior Priest, Great Weapon+AoMI-119 pts.
9 Greatswords-90 pts.
Great Cannon-100 pts.
2x10 Handgunners, detachment-80 pts. each/160 pts.
2x10 Free Companies, detachment-50 pts. each/100 points
25 Halbrediers-125 pts.
25 Spearmen, shields-150 pts.
25 Swordmen-150 pts.

1250 points
Warrior Priest, Great Weapon+AoMI-119 pts.
9 Greatswords-90 pts.
Great Cannon-100 pts.
5 Outriders, champion-121 pts.
2x10 Handgunners, detachment-80 pts. each/160 pts.
2x10 Free Companies, detachment-50 pts. each/100 points
25 Halbrediers-125 pts.
25 Spearmen, shields-150 pts.
25 Swordmen-150 pts.
Helblaster Volley Gun-110 pts.

*All lists can have the following:
Battle Wizard, Lvl. 2, 1xDispel Scroll-125 pts.
instead of the priest for +6 to the list.

Thanks for your feedback!
<font color=0033FF-FF3000>╤♦*~N64~╤♦*</font>

Offline faucon

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2007, 11:39:51 AM »
I think it'a good idea not to take too many heros, you have plenty of troops.
I think 9 Greatswords is a bit small!?
good luck

Offline Nog64

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2007, 11:25:37 PM »
I'm only taking one hero, which will switch depending on fluff and such. The character will go with the greatswords, bringing the unit to 10.
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Offline Spiney

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 06:04:33 AM »
The Handgunners in the 500pt list are below minimum size and are too large to form a detachment for any of the other units. Either use your remaining points to bolster the Greatswords up to 16, or combine the two swordsman units.

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Offline clausewitz

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 09:36:29 AM »
Hi Nog,

A few of my thoughts on your lists.

Firstly, no knights?  Is this a lack of models or a choice you made?  Knights fill several very useful roles in a Empire army I can't remember the last army of mine that didn't have any.

9 Greatswords is below the minimum unit size.  And IMO a small unit of Greatswords(GS) is not worth it.  I would use those points elsewhere (Knights?  :-D ).

I'm not going to comment on the 500 point list as I haven't played at that low points level, other than to say that again 9 GS is not legal (even if you intend to add a character they still can't be less than 10 to start with) and the 8x handgunners(HG) is not legal.  GS need to be 10 minimum and HGs need to be 10 if independent or 5 as detactments (for 10 man sword units).

The 1000 point list is quite good (barring the lack of knights  :wink: ). I still think the GS should be dropped though.  Use the points to buy archer detachments for your blocks, these can screen from missile fire and redirect charges; very useful.  I would then make your HG unit (or units if you want to keep both) as an independent unit.

At 1250 points I would suggest similar changes to the 1250 point list.  Make sure every block of state troops has a CC detachment (swords, Halberds, free company) and consider the archer detachments.  Perhaps drop the HBVG for more greatswords to make them a viable unit.

Absolutely keep the warrior priest, you really don't want a battle wizard as your general.  At the higher points level you might want to consider the Sigil of Sigmar for him, you don't have much magic defence (3DD) so this could help him keep one unit free from magical attacks.

Good luck.

My experience at 1000 point games comprises of 31 games played in a GW store campaign.  I used a mostly knight list.  (NB this was last year so pre-NEB)

Captain, FPA, Shield, Barded Warhorse, Sword of Might, Icon of Magnus
Battle Wizard, Warhorse, Dispel Scroll

5 Knights, FC, Warbanner
5 Knights, FC
5 Huntsmen (I miss this unit  :-( )
5 IC Knights, FC, Banner of Duty
5 Pistoliers, Champ with Repeater Pistol
HBVG (pre-NEB remember)

The list's record was 28 wins 3 losses.  (The purpose of this is to persaude you of the usefulness of knights  :-) )
I fought in the NC war.. and all I got was this lousy sig...

Offline Nog64

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 11:24:10 PM »
OK, it seems like your suggestions would really work. One question, should I drop the HG detachments then? I can't have 3 detachments, IIRC, and the FC should stay for charge support.
<font color=0033FF-FF3000>╤♦*~N64~╤♦*</font>

Offline clausewitz

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2007, 12:05:34 AM »
I think I mentioned that you would need to make the handgunners into independent unit(s).  Or one unit of 10 with two detachments of 5.

While its often better to have them as detachments (so they cant cause panic in other units) when they are independent units they give you another deployment drop (Empire is often short of these) and can be deployed on their own if you want (rather than a detachments 3" from the parent).

I fought in the NC war.. and all I got was this lousy sig...

Offline Nog64

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2007, 03:55:47 AM »
Whoops, sorry for not reading that. Also, as a side note, the legal min. for GS is 5. Nevertheless, I will incorporate your suggestions. And I'm sticking with the WP for sure.
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Offline clausewitz

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2007, 01:33:43 PM »
I forgot they changed the minimum size of greatswords, sorry about that.

Good luck, I hope you bring us lots of NC victories.  :ph34r:
I fought in the NC war.. and all I got was this lousy sig...

Offline Nog64

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Re: Polishing lists for the Nemesis Crown!
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2007, 04:23:14 AM »
I hope so too :happy:
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