June 5, 2523
The Royal Palace at Salzenmund
Johan Tweedle, Secretary for
The Most Serene Theodoric Gausser
Elector Count of Nordland
Sovereign of the North Sea
Lord of the Coast, etc, etc.
To Rufas the Eccentric
C/O Madame Rosalita’s
253 Rue de Red Light
His Serene Highness has given me the odious task of writing to you concerning the disposition of the forces that you are to take with you into the upcoming campaign in to the Drakwald. Word has reached His Eminence’s ears that you were not happy with the prospect of leading an army composed solely of Halberdiers and the refuse from the Saturday night drunk tank. Theodoric wishes for me to state, that if the issue were solely in His hands, he would send you into the infernal forest leading a gaggle of geese and a flock of sheep.
Fortunately for you, events conspire to dictate another outcome. First, the Most Holy Emperor, Karl Franz has sent emissaries to Count Theoderic impressing upon him the vital importance of the Drakwald mission. That alone cuts short your career as a shepherd. Theoderic, is now aware of a flaw in having a wizard lead this expedition. While useful in matters arcane, a wizard is not known for his military leadership. We could of course send another in your place, but all other Generals and Grand Marshals are occupied or reluctant in the extreme. Theoderic is still hoping that some happy occurrence may still befall your Eccentric self under the canopy of the trees.
In addition, a rather ugly feud has erupted between Simon (the Self Righteous), Sigmarite Chaplin to Sigmar’s Zweihanders and Alric (the Frenzied), Chaplin to Ulric’s Hammerers. Both holy gentlemen are arguing with great vigor for the honor to lead their unit of armored great weapons on the upcoming campaign. In order to obtain a measure of peace, He has placed both units at your disposal. The renowned stubbornness of these units will help compensate for your lack of understanding of military matters. Hopefully, they will spend more time fighting your foes then they spend fighting each other.
In addition to these units with their attended detachments, a group of Sigmarite Sisters and Ulrican Fanatics has been gathering with the intent to sacrificing themselves in battle. I doubt there is much anyone could do to dissuade them. Still their will their fanatical zeal will also compensate. Stick them on the flanks and they will fight till the death.
Two Companies of the Salzenmund Crossbows got into a drunken brawl this previous weekend and in the course of events tipped the carriage of Count Theoderic’s mother, Baroness, Ludmila. I suppose you can guess what their next assignment will be.
For cavalry support, the Grand Marshall of the Knights von Richtofen has pledged two squads. He seems to be keen to prove that his Order does not have any rubber lances. They are still annoyed at your comments in this matter.
How to provide the balance of the force did present a problem. Fortunately the engineers arrived from Nuln. They were to originally accompany you into the forest, but were put to good use. That great hulk of rusted metal near the palace gate is undergoing a restoration. They say that as soon as they repaint the interior, one will barely notice the smell of burnt flesh. They have suggested rechristening the monstrosity from “Old Reliable” to “Old Unreliable” as they are absolutely refusing to provide any warranty.
You may notice that there are no cannon’s in this force, but the Count was quite insistent that with such a great wizard, cannons are unnecessary. And he wanted to express his regret about his accidental shooting of your Pegasus while out hunting. This was completely unintentional. His Grace truly thought it was a duck.
Johan Tweedle
Theodoric Gausser
PS: Sorry for the “odious” remark. Old Windbag always reads these things before I give them to the courier. I do not doubt you can see through the "duck" remark. My condolances. Are we still on for poker Friday? By the way, what is rubber?
Deciding to take a Wizard general I need to have a list that will copensate for the lower leadership. Thus:
Rufas of Nordland, Provisional Wizard Lord, 4th Level
Mage of the Celestial College, Order of Teclis, 3rd Class
Holy Relic, Rod of Power, Ring of Volans, Barded War Horse
326 pts.
Simon the Self Righteous, Priest of Sigmar
Use Luthor Huss figure
Sword of Justice, Icon of Magnus
Heavy Armor, Shield, Barded War Horse
Chaplin to Sigmar’s Zweihanders
155 pts.
Alrick the Frenzied, Priest of Ulric
Spells are uncannily like the Priest of Sigmar
Use mounted Ulric Priest figure
Sword of Might, Doomfire Ring
Heavy Armor, Shield, Barded War Horse
Chaplin to Ulric’s Hamerers
155 pts.
Sigmar’s Zweihanders, 23 Greatswords, Full Command
Use standard Greatswords figures.
10 Swordsmen detachment
5 Archers detachment
360 pts.
Ulric’s Hammerers, 23 Greatswords, Full Command
Use Teutogen Guard figures.
10 Swordsmen detachment
5 Archers detachment
360 pts.
1st Squad Knights von Richtofen, 5 Knights, 115 pts.
2nd Squad Knights von Richtofen, 5 Knights, 115 pts.
1st Company Salzenmund Crossbows, 80 pts.
2nd Company Salzenmund Crossbows, 80 pts.
Sisters of Sigmar, 10 Flagellants, 100 pts.
Mordheim figures same name.
Ulric’s Lunatics, 10 Flagellants, 100 pts.
Old Unreliable, Steam Tank, 300 pts.
Total 2246 pts. 6 dispel dice, 6 power dice